Jenny Chase
Solar analyst at BloombergNEF, goose keeper. Author of a book, "Solar Power Finance Without the Jargon". Opinions all my own.
2.1k followers87 following429 posts

53. There is enough land for lots of solar (most studies suggest 1-2% of land would be required to generate all the solar most countries can use). There’s also loads and loads of roofs, so let’s see those who oppose ground-mounted solar support higher-cost roof-mounted solar.


54. If you record PV capacity and only have room for one figure, record MW(DC), the module capacity. It tells you more about what the project will produce, how much land it needs, and what it will cost than MW(AC), which is just the size of the wire. I will die on this seemingly obscure hill.

Jenny Chase
Solar analyst at BloombergNEF, goose keeper. Author of a book, "Solar Power Finance Without the Jargon". Opinions all my own.
2.1k followers87 following429 posts