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oh cool a "rolling down a hill hitting your head on a rock every 15 feet" simulator

A screenshot of 3 articles from the "Culture" section of The Free Press 

Article 1:
I’m Face Blind. Here’s What It’s Like.
It took me until my 40s to understand why I can’t recognize faces—not even my own.
by: Sadie Dingfelder

Article 2:
I’m a Super-Recognizer. Here’s What It’s Like.
I’m part of a tiny group of human beings that never forgets a face. We can solve everything from crimes to historical mysteries.
by: Jana Kozlowski

Article 3:
WATCH: Matt Walsh Talks DEI, Division, and Robin DiAngelo
A new documentary ‘Am I Racist?’ goes deep into the anti-racism industry. Ben Kawaller sits down with its maker.
by: Ben Kawaller
Reposted by v

you do not need to engage in questions around the morality of death as punishment for a crime, any crime, because the answer to the prior question — can the state be trusted to administer death as a punishment for a crime? — is no


How did you even find his post? Are you just searching for "Jemima echo chamber" and replying to people now? (I found this because I was looking at your replies tab, studying you for science)

Reposted by v

Pinball machine #photography#art

Dizzying reflections and moving parts inside a Jurassic Park pinball machine, composed as best I can
Absolute chaos of reflections and moving parts inside a Jurassic Park pinball machine, composed as best I can
SHIELD EXTINGUISHES FLAME, says the interior of a DnD themed pinball table. One bright indicator light winks through the glass, illuminating the text.
I forget what this pinball machine is, but it says KEEP OUT underneath a slurry of reflections off the glass of the table.

[sending Jimmy Wales another $100 to hold the line with his volunteer anarchist librarian army] capitalism is the best system we've found so far


screenshot of the OP saying they "absolutely need" a Trump baseball cap in response to a post by Jemima Kelly, the person they're simp-fully bemoaning having been piled on for her silly articles and bad posts, talking about how Eric Trump is hot now where he is wearing said baseball cap. She then replies to say one of her "life's biggest regrets" is not buying a FAKE NEWS clutch when she was at Mar-a-Lago. I hope they're having fun, because it's Insipid, vapid, and straight up hurtful to the rest of us.

This argument makes no sense. If their viewpoints differ from the prevailing view here, it means either it's not an echo chamber to them or they'd be providing some new insight that people might value. If the fear is what they have to say would get people yelling at them, then yes, please stay away!

Reposted by v

"It's so complicated" was the default British reponse to 'the Irish question' for centuries. You still see their intellectuals, like Zadie Smith, describing the North of Ireland conflict as rooted in some arcane, primitive religious dispute. But it's just a refusal to see what's obvious.


Just stop it. You made 11 posts about this to arrive at "her politics aren't easy to categorize". It's unsurprising you would find no problem with the politics of someone you work with, that doesn't make things confusing for us looking at her posts and articles. You got your attention. Now fuck off.

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78 followers212 following392 posts