Spider & Skull
Just a spider and a skull having adventures.
5 followers4 following15 posts

Also an "instar" is the name for the developmental stage of arachnids between moults. The best jokes are ones you have to painstakingly explain. [2/2] #webcomics#webcomicseries#spider#skull#spiderart#skullart#cartoons#comicstrip#sailormoon

Yellow translucent spider paw held up again shining pink/purple background with the text "Mars Instar Power Make-Up!"
Yellow translucent Spider with translucent blue ribbons draped around them against a shining pink/purple background.
Translucent white Spider in final transformation pose against a shining pink spider web, they are wearing a short blue sailor skirt, gloves on all eight feet, and have large blue anime eyes.
Black background with cream line art. Skull is cringing, looking tired and disgusted. Spider is in a web spun in their eye and their old exoskeleton is dangling of their foot.

Skull: Are you done mounting yet??
Spider: SHUT UP I'm having fun!

Maybe poor Skull's going to be screaming in terror over the desert for a long time. Once they land and Skull's had a couple of tequilas, do you think they'll be upset that Spider's been able to do this the whole time? [3/fin]


I'm not committing myself to an update schedule because I don't feel the need to stress myself but this is the first week in many I could think of a quasi reasonable way to fit this in my schedule, so maybe I'll manage to build up a buffer like before. Or not. [2/x]

Panel #3: Spider and Skull are floating high above the desert on a parachute made of Spider's silk, Skull screaming uncontrollably.

Skull: AUUUGGHH!!!!!!!!!!
My cramped old lady handwriting in cream ink on a black paper texture with pseudo-Art Nouveauish flourishes that are pretty wonky-looking because my notebook app doesn't let me do under-drawing. I also don't know if under-drawing is a term. By the way I'm antibiotics. Anyway, it's the same as the captions in the thread, just in old-fashioned handwriting.
My cramped old lady handwriting in cream ink on a black paper texture with pseudo-Art Nouveauish flourishes that are pretty wonky-looking because my notebook app doesn't let me do under-drawing. I also don't know if under-drawing is a term. By the way I'm antibiotics. Anyway, it's the same as the captions in the thread, just in old-fashioned handwriting.
My cramped old lady handwriting in cream ink on a black paper texture with pseudo-Art Nouveauish flourishes that are pretty wonky-looking because my notebook app doesn't let me do under-drawing. I also don't know if under-drawing is a term. By the way I'm antibiotics. Anyway, it's the same as the captions in the thread, just in old-fashioned handwriting.

Frame 1: Skull hopping through the desert with Spider curled up in their eye socket.

Skull: I don't remember being a human. I'd remember that, right?
Spider: Not without a brain you won't.

Frame 2: close-up shot of Skull from the side, Spider still in their eye socket

Skull: I don't remember being a Skull in a body, either.
Spider: Maybe you weren't aware of an individual consciousness then.

Frame 3: Skull and Spider hopping through the desert. Among the brush and rocks, there is a lone femur bone.

Skull: That raises some weird questions about individual and collective consciousness as a continuum rather than discrete notions.

Frame 4: Spider and Skull recoiling in terror from Femur. Spider has leapt on top of Skull into a martial arts stance.

Femur: I hope you'll forgive the eavesdropping, but you know John Stuart Mill wrote--
Spider & Skull: AUGH!!!
Spider & Skull
Just a spider and a skull having adventures.
5 followers4 following15 posts