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A place for QotD answers and Headcanons for my Elezen WoL Lhaya (and sometimes for her sister Lhys). Not spoiler free, multishipper headcanon routes & Vanilla GPose only! No RP. Here I'll only follow WoL acc. back, my main & personal is @nhalyia
43 followers44 following134 posts

7 …and finding a way to live in Ishgard, where surely everything would be better and more exciting than what she had at home. Well, in the end she actually ran away from Gridania and home when she was ~17 (age may change) to try her luck…


7 …in Gridania and nothing but woods and nature made her feel bored out of her mind. Lhys started to tell her stories of the great Elezen city Ishgard when she was very little and Lhaya happened to romanticise these stories a lot, which culminated in her dreaming of running away…


7 The older Lhaya got the more her friend group „adventures“ got spiced up with dares and pulling pranks on people. She developed quite a rebellious personality in her teen years and wasn’t the easiest teenager, being reckless and always looking for excitement because being stuck…


7 This move at least gave Lhaya a safer space to roam around and soon enough you could find her running through the new and old parts of the torn with a group of friends, going on „adventures“ like so many of the grown people did.


7 With their home being a part of the village Hyrstmill in the North Shroud part of the Twelveswood this quickly became a problem because of the continuous Ixal threat. Until their father finally decided to move back to Gridania into their grandparent’s house.


7 The very first years she basically clung to Lhys like a shadow, but the older Lhaya got the more she wanted to explore and not be confined to the house or its garden. Which quickly became a problem when she started to sneak away whenever her babysitter was distracted


7 Lhaya learned very early and quickly that being a) cute as a button and b) being the poor smol bean without a mum basically opened all doors and opportunities to get what she wanted from other people. And she put this to good use.


7 Their dad threw himself into his work and spent most of his time in his Goldsmith workshop while Lhys, kind and responsible bookworm that she was, juggled babysitting and reading/studying with the help of neighbours and other residents of their village.


7 Lhaya had a relatively carefree childhood, but only learned decades later about the Why and how. Their mom left the family rather suddenly when Lhaya was around 2 and Lhys around 9 years old. Their heartbroken dad refused to tell them why until they were adults.


6 Somehow I accidentally created a WoL who can wear basically anything and look gorgeous in it. But Lhaya’s personal preference is classy, elegant and tastefully sexy if she’s out and about and cosy/comfy casual in private. She also doesn’t like wearing armour at all.

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A place for QotD answers and Headcanons for my Elezen WoL Lhaya (and sometimes for her sister Lhys). Not spoiler free, multishipper headcanon routes & Vanilla GPose only! No RP. Here I'll only follow WoL acc. back, my main & personal is @nhalyia
43 followers44 following134 posts