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Steffen Siegel
Optimistic Berliner ‱ Professor for the Theory and History of Photography at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen ‱ Chairman of the Essen Center of Photography ‱ Max Kade Professor at Georgetown University (fall term 2024)
438 followers227 following208 posts

Tonight at D.C.’s Kennedy Center.


Soeben ist das 50. Marburger Jahrbuch fĂŒr Kunstwissenschaft erschienen, unter anderem mit meinem Beitrag „Lucia Moholys moderne Fotogeschichte“. Ich untersuche die paradigmatische Geltung dieser kleinen, aber wichtigen Mediengeschichte. Ein PDF sende ich bei Interesse gerne zu.


If you feel like owning a skyscraper, why not bidding for Frank Lloyd Wright’s one and only tower building? It also comes with original furniture and interior design. Bids start at $ 600,000.

The Plan to Save Frank Lloyd Wright’s Only Skyscraper Isn’t Going as Planned
The Plan to Save Frank Lloyd Wright’s Only Skyscraper Isn’t Going as Planned

Less than two years ago, the building was thought to have been rescued from financial woes. Now the new owners have it on the auction block and some Wright-designed furnishings have already been sold.


Siegfried Unseld (1924–2002), der heute einhundert Jahre alt geworden wĂ€re, hat bereits 1991, natĂŒrlich bei Suhrkamp, sein eigenes Denkmal publiziert. „Goethe und seine Verleger“, ebenso sehr germanistische Historiografie wie editorisches Manifest, ist unverĂ€ndert sehr lesenswert!


Nachkriegsdeutschland in einem Absatz, aus Harun Farockis Autobiografie „Zehn, zwanzig, dreißig, vierzig“.


Yuval Sharon’s “A New Philosophy of Opera,” just out with Liveright, is a must-read for those who firmly believe the art form will also matter in its fifth century as artistic and social expression. A highly recommend this excellent book.


I look forward to presenting some ideas from my current research on October 10, at 3:30 pm, at Georgetown University. My Max Kade lecture will deal with one of the most peculiar East German photo books. Talk and discussion will be in English, followed by a reception at the Department of German.


Peter Brauns Arbeitsbuch zur Objektbiografie eröffnet die inzwischen zwölf BĂ€nde umfassende Reihe „Laborberichte“, hg. von Kerrin von Engelhardt und mir. Ich freue mich, dass Peters exzellente EinfĂŒhrung nun in einer zweiten, aktualisierten Auflage erschienen ist!

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Steffen Siegel
Optimistic Berliner ‱ Professor for the Theory and History of Photography at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen ‱ Chairman of the Essen Center of Photography ‱ Max Kade Professor at Georgetown University (fall term 2024)
438 followers227 following208 posts