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Hannah Wakeford
Exoplanet scientist. Science communicator. Author. Podcaster. Miniature painter. Wife. Cat mum.
397 followers115 following64 posts

The main take away You cannot use IR data to easily predict the UV/optical spectrum of an #exoplanet predominantly due to the presence of clouds in the atmosphere which cause additional absorption that has less impact on long wavelength data. @NASAHubble is key!


We looked at the results from our models as a population but find no clear linear trends in cloudiness of the atmosphere with temperature or amount of water vapour, however, more complex trends are likely. We do show that the model determined temperature is similar to GCMs!

Retrieved temperature of the planet's limb compared to GCMs from Kataria et al. (2016) showing that the limb does not equal the equilibrium temperature but is in line with predictions from complex 3D modelling.

We show that the inclusion of data below 0.6 microns ( atmosphere and that near-IR data alone is a poor predictor of the UV/optical spectrum measurable by @NASAHubble - associated with☁️

Two exoplanet spectra with models fit by increasing the amount of data used by 0.1 micron increments. Demonstrating that near-IR data alone cannot predict the cloud properties accurately as the models do not fit the data.

To assess changes to the measured parameters from one model fit to the next containing more data we compute the change in Information Content - a metric to define the increase in information you have with the new model. Higher number == more information gained with new model

Information content change for 13/14 planets in the study. Showing a gain in information when shorter wavelength data is included in the fit. The bottom panel shows the cloud parameters broken down into the four specific components.

We took 14 ) to ask the question: "what information do I gain as I add in more optical data?" to demonstrate the need for @NASAHubble UV/optical measurements

14 planetary transmission (absorption) spectra with three model fits. Orange - just considering data longword of 1.1 microns. Blue considering  data long of 0.6 microns. Purple considering data long of 0.3 microns. With added data tighter constraints on the model can be seen.

Excited to share the latest paper from our Exoplanet Timeseries Characterisation (ExoTiC) team here at Bristol, this time led by (then MSc now PhD student) Charlotte Fairman 🥳 on The Importance of Optical Wavelength Data on Atmospheric Retrievals of Exoplanet Transmission Spectra from Hubble

The Importance of Optical Wavelength Data on Atmospheric...
The Importance of Optical Wavelength Data on Atmospheric...

Exoplanet transmission spectra provide rich information about the chemical composition, clouds and temperature structure of exoplanet atmospheres. Most exoplanet transmission spectra only span...


Hijacking my call for astronomers tut tut 🤨


Lectureship in Scientific Computing @BristolUniPhys👩‍💻👩🏻‍🏫 - the field of study is completely open but people working in Planetary & Astrophysics computation align well! Deadline Feb 4th Do reach out if interested or contact Dr Simon Hanna who is leading the recruitment with Qs 🤓 Join us @BristolUni


Yay congratulations! ☺️🥂


I had an amazing time mineral clouds ☁️ I was too nervous to take any pictures but we had a fantastic cast it was a pleasure and privilege to be involved ☺️🤓

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Hannah Wakeford
Exoplanet scientist. Science communicator. Author. Podcaster. Miniature painter. Wife. Cat mum.
397 followers115 following64 posts