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Steven Capsuto
Author of ALTERNATE CHANNELS: QUEER IMAGES ON 20TH-CENTURY TV. Lead historical consultant for VISIBLE: OUT ON TELEVISION (Apple TV+, 2020). This feed is mainly for my "Today in Queer TV History" video posts. Previous posts are on my YouTube channel.
66 followers121 following255 posts

Trump's been doing this crap ever since he entered politics. If you look at his list of "shithole countries" he doesn't want immigrants from, they're all black/brown-majority nations. The example he cited of a desirable source of immigration was one of the Nordic countries. His racism isn't subtle.


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Steven Capsuto
Author of ALTERNATE CHANNELS: QUEER IMAGES ON 20TH-CENTURY TV. Lead historical consultant for VISIBLE: OUT ON TELEVISION (Apple TV+, 2020). This feed is mainly for my "Today in Queer TV History" video posts. Previous posts are on my YouTube channel.
66 followers121 following255 posts