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Steve The Dragon
Just another obscure character on the internet. Latino/Irish, bi. Dragon therian, also works with Coyote. Still a wannabe cartoonist and gamedev the very model of a spiritual hybrid/hermaphrodite. Male presenting mostly. 🔞 NSFW here 🔞
563 followers6.5k following37 posts

Be sure to check out Chris Ushkos holiday animation!


Happy New Years!

Reposted by Steve The Dragon

Hey mature content creators! Don't forget to inform your followers to turn on their settings so they can view your work!


Goodnight! (AI image)

Wile e sitting on a boulder pensively thinking about tomorrows plans as the final suns rays hits the desert as dawn sets.
Reposted by Steve The Dragon

30 isn't gay death it's dilf birth.

Reposted by Steve The Dragon

I don't know why the famous mugshot looks so much like a doom character but it does so I made it one.

trumps mugshot as a doom character.
Reposted by Steve The Dragon

We are pleased to announce our publisher Humble Games! We will be at Gamescom next week if you want to stop by the Humble booth and play our game 💖

Reposted by Steve The Dragon

I’m gonna need this tattooed on the inside of my eyelids

A tweet from @dangerouswco
“whatever you think you can’t do, just know that there is someone who is confidently doing it wrong right now. They have no plans at doing it better either and people are paying them to do it. Please believe in your own excellence as much as they believe in their mediocrity.”
Reposted by Steve The Dragon

Just goes to show; Covid is NOT OVER. Sure it’s better and I dare say manageable now in the US, but gone are the days where people can just not think about it. 1 positive visit & three days later I went from no covids to pretty much my whole unit testing +. And it’s not most of their 1st time.

Reposted by Steve The Dragon

anti-furry harassment account migrated over from the birdsite you know the drill: report & block, but do not engage choke out the attention bad actors are farming instead of feeding it

A screenshot of, a notorious anti-furry harassment account from Twitter/X.
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Steve The Dragon
Just another obscure character on the internet. Latino/Irish, bi. Dragon therian, also works with Coyote. Still a wannabe cartoonist and gamedev the very model of a spiritual hybrid/hermaphrodite. Male presenting mostly. 🔞 NSFW here 🔞
563 followers6.5k following37 posts