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jesse 🐉 team knight! 🗡️
i speak, i draw, i chameleon. thinkin’ about splatoon. 20yrs | he/it | nerd lesbian. | SFW. i prefer tumblr (also ‘strangewiggles’ there) 🦎🦎🦎 ai/proship dni
18 followers73 following66 posts

[ #Furry#Fursona ] ik the ref is in my pinned already but i still wanna make a post about my sona. i’ve had so many sonas and he’s my favorite. represents me perfectly in every day. love him forever hashtag “i know hes a lizard but he’s still a ‘furry’ to me”

A Reference Sheet of a anthopromorphic Pygmy Leaf Chameleon. In the left top corner, information about the character is listed. His name is Jesse, he uses he/him and it/its pronouns. he’s a nonbinary lesbian. he’s described as a “cool and totally normal guy.” To the far right of the sheet stands a full body reference of Jesse. He has his left hand on his hip, and his right hand is holding up an index finger. He has three fingers and two thumbs, and large white claws. He has a short tail with rounded spikes along it to the tip. He sports a yellow button-up with a white under shirt, black jeans with a brown belt, and square, cartoony glasses. His coloring is a washed brown color with a slight green tint. His patterns consist of stripes and squares. Some notes are pointing to him, pointing out parts of his design. A note points to his chin, reading “Fat. A little bit of a double chin.” Another note points from above him, pointed at his head, it reads “Likes to dress nice! lots of patterns and colors.” the next note points to his tail and reads “short-ish tail.” The last note points to his right hand and reads “BIG CLAW.” To the right of this full body reference, he is shirtless, but only shows his back. this shows off the patterns down his back. in the pose, he’s holding up an index finger and smiling. to the left of the full body reference, is various doodles showing off more aspects of this design. at the top is a front-facing drawing of Jesse with sunglasses. it’s labeled “Front.” underneath that is a drawing of Jesse smiling and baring his teeth, its labeled “Teef.” A standalone drawing of his hand is next to that and reads “3 fingers, two thumbs.” Under that is a drawing of J imagining a cartoony, dragon version of himself, its described as “the ‘Other’ J is how he pictures himself. Fursona-ception!” The last doodle is a drawing of J laying on his stomach with a hand in a raptor pose, sporting different colors across his body. it’s labeled, “Can change colors.”
A bust of an anthropomorphic Pygmy Leaf Chameleon character with big, square, cartoony glasses and a desaturated yellow shirt. He’s grinning and sticking out his tongue. He holds a black pen in his left hand.
A comic of an anthropomorphic Pygmy Leaf Chameleon. Panel one: He holds his phone with a slight scowl, scribbles behind him show light frustration. Panel two: he begins furiously typing on the phone, the scribbles behind him are bright and sharp. His face is scrunched up in rage, sweating and baring his teeth. Panel three: The character drops his phone and his mouth gapes in surprise, his face stretches to accentuate the expression. Behind him, the previous squiggles explode into sharp surprise lines. He says “WOAH. I almost care about stupid online BULLSHIT!!!” The word “Bullshit” is underlined. Panel 4: hard cut to this character standing in the middle of the living room, he has a sandwich on his left hand and his right is on his hip. He’s watching Breaking Bad and his phone his on a table far away from him, but closer to the “camera.”
A spinning 3d model of the head of an anthropomorphic pygmy leaf chameleon character. He has big, square cartoony glasses on. He is a washed brown color with a green tint, patterned with darker and lighter brown stripes and squares. He’s smiling and his eyes are looking in different directions like, well, a chameleon.

trying to add alt text going forward. unfortunately i forgot that gifs dont move for some reason if you upload them yourself?? or if they’re posted with pngs. so the last one is supposed to be spinning and it’s not, despite being described that way, my bad

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jesse 🐉 team knight! 🗡️
i speak, i draw, i chameleon. thinkin’ about splatoon. 20yrs | he/it | nerd lesbian. | SFW. i prefer tumblr (also ‘strangewiggles’ there) 🦎🦎🦎 ai/proship dni
18 followers73 following66 posts