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Tim-my Eat Bwainz 🧟
music lover, home cook, partnered dad of 2, drinker of drinks, BayArea sports from PHX AZ, failed evangelical experiment #exChristian banner: a bar beam w/ "All I need is just to hear a song I know" on it profile: a smiling man in shades lays in the grass
955 followers1.3k following12k posts

just create a version of AI that is BOTH 1) honors creatives & pays them for their work, and 2) is sustainable without taxing the power & water systems in place if it can't be done it's not on humanity to bear the burden of an unwieldy version of it, it's on the designers to design it better


the ones RUSHING into AI tech aren't doing it out of some Maslow-hierarchy need, it's a luxury item at this point, they're rushing to achieve market dominance and profit MASSIVELY off of potential advantages, dumping huge investments down the drain for just the *potential* of a future payout

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Tim-my Eat Bwainz 🧟
music lover, home cook, partnered dad of 2, drinker of drinks, BayArea sports from PHX AZ, failed evangelical experiment #exChristian banner: a bar beam w/ "All I need is just to hear a song I know" on it profile: a smiling man in shades lays in the grass
955 followers1.3k following12k posts