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Furry over 50. He/Him. Not a pornbot, spambot nor a bunch of kobolds in a trenchcoat.
21 followers54 following186 posts
Reposted by Tahiru

“when you meet a member of the ku klux klan” from 1921 is a wonderful poem on how to handle the klan. It’s good advice for dealing with all fascists. Unfortunately it’s is just as relevant as when it was written in 1921

When You Meet a Member of the Ku Klux Klan
Robert L. Poston (1921)
When you meet a member of the Ku Klux Klan, walk right up and hit him like a natural man;
Take no thought of babies he may have at home, Sympathy's defamed when used upon his dome.
Hit him in the mouth and push his face right in, Knock him down a flight of stairs and pick him up again.
Get your distance from him and then take a running start, Hit him, brother, hit him, and please hit the scroundrel hard.
Pour some water on him, bring him back to life once more Think of how he did your folks in the days of long ago;
Make a prayer to heaven for the strength to do the job, Kick him in the stomach, he, a low, unworthy snob.
Call your wife and baby out to see you have some fun, Sie your bulldog on him for to see the rascal run.
Head him off before he gets ten paces from your door, Take a bat of sturdy oak and knock him down once more.
This time you may leave him where he wallows in the sand, A spent and humble member of the
Reposted by Tahiru

Reposted by Tahiru

Everybody's is of course welcome to print those as protestation stickers if they wish. Here is a version with a white outline and transparent background.

A picture of Porco-Rosso giving a thumb-up, on top of a banner that say " Fuck Fascism - Everywhere & Forever ".
Reposted by Tahiru

"this place is an echo chamber," the moron everybody hates complained


Honestly having to stop and look directly at the camera way too heckin' often. "Okay, I'm gonna have to stop and re-focus the interview..." is potentially a realistic thing to have to say, but not that often. Is it me? It's not me.

Reposted by Tahiru

If you make art and it surprises you, there’s an excellent chance you’re doing something right.


Misheard phrases are one thing. Mis-parsed, another. For example, "organ grinder monkey" or "headless-horse man". Thanks, .


True and worthy of repeating. But: SMS is not a second factor. SMS is an attack surface, even if you have 2G disabled. SMS is never OK as a channel for security-related information. Not for the furry porn site. Not for the bank you use to pay the furry porn site.

Reposted by Tahiru

In the wake of Dragoneer's passing, FurAffinity has created a fundraiser to help cover his remaining expenses, help his family, and help keep their own lights on during the transition.

Support Fur Affinity: Honoring Dragoneer's Legacy, organized by Susan Hess
Support Fur Affinity: Honoring Dragoneer's Legacy, organized by Susan Hess

"Sometimes the most important thing a person can ever say is 'I was here.… Susan Hess needs your support for Support Fur Affinity: Honoring Dragoneer's Legacy

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Furry over 50. He/Him. Not a pornbot, spambot nor a bunch of kobolds in a trenchcoat.
21 followers54 following186 posts