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tah | Local Sarah Fortune Enjoyer
🔞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♒️ twt is going down the drain so i guess im here now also Just In Case...... legal legends game and fandom enjoyer, mf & leona main bc i love causing problems on purpose
85 followers46 following159 posts

i keep thinking about that high noon kat/sarah fic i want to write… sarah and samira tagging along with the harbingers… the harbinger prophecy fulfilled, ushering in the end times… something about kat the Outsider realizing she wants to face the end of the world with her new bounty hunter… etc etc


Sarah glanced up through her lashes as she continued working on re-lacing her boots.

“Harbinger,” she returned evenly, still not wholly willing to call Katarina by her chosen name. Still, it was kinder than some names she’d been called before.

Katarina studied her for a second, the way the low-rising sun caught glimmers in her pale hair, framing her grimly determined smile with a splintered golden halo. When at last Sarah lifted an expectant brow, Katarina forced herself into the present.

“I’ve a wager for you.”
Now both her brows raised, equal parts amusement and curiosity. Her laugh bubbled up incredulously from her throat. “Scarcely borne in the end of all things and already worried you’ll be low on supply?” She shook her head, smiling nonetheless. “You’ve plenty of time yet, sweetheart. Go swindle somebody else.”

Katarina crouched down before her, forcing those pale blue eyes to meet hers proper. “The wager is for you, Fortune,” she reiterated. “You could at least hear me out.”

Sarah squinted at her, studying the stern lines of her expression, thinking, thinking. “Fine, then,” she said at last, expression smoothing into neutrality as she sat back, folding her arms expectantly. “Let’s hear it.”

“I wager you don’t have a home to go back to.”

She stiffened ever so slightly. Her expression didn’t change. Katarina licked her dry, chapped lips and continued.

“I wager you don’t really even have a clan to go back to. And I wager you’re scared shitless at the thought of facing up to the end of everything all by your lonesome.”
Those pale blue eyes, so pretty in their icy chill, met the burning embers of Katarina’s gaze without flinching. Katarina always liked that about her. Faced with the end—unclear and tumultuous, but certain nonetheless—and she faced it head-on, with little more than a tipped hat, a quirked brow, and a smile.

“Suppose you were to win this gamble of yours,” she said, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her splayed thighs. “As you outsiders love to play for the house, of course.”

A tiny smirk curled at the corner of Katarina’s blood-stained lips. “Of course.” Even that phrase, you outsiders, had ceased to sound like a curse on Sarah’s lips.

“What would the house get out of this arrangement?”

Katarina cocked her head. “I want you.”

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tah | Local Sarah Fortune Enjoyer
🔞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♒️ twt is going down the drain so i guess im here now also Just In Case...... legal legends game and fandom enjoyer, mf & leona main bc i love causing problems on purpose
85 followers46 following159 posts