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Widowed and nonbinary. I talk a lot about Star Trek, Ohio, cats, dinosaurs, and whatever I’m watching on TV. (They/Them)
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From the October 24th, 1960 issue of Broadcasting Magazine. I know the puns about our town's genocidal namesake are easy and plentiful (I own at least a half-dozen books about this city with "Discover" in their name), but even by those standards this is A LOT.

Columbus charts a new route
The explorer arrived by an inland
route last Columbus Day in New
York City. "Christopher Columbus"
had his voyage financed by WCOL
Columbus, Ohio, and was able to re-
portto his patron that this part of the
world is not square but warmly re-
ceptive tohim and a fellow emissary,
"Miss WCOL," who also was naviga-
tor on the trip. The mission is ex-
pected to help keep traffic running
freely on east-west trade lanes.
Actors Walter Moulder and Betty
Webb got official credentials from
Mayor Ralston Westlake of Colum-
bus before setting out for the eastern
part of the New World. On arrival
Oct. 12 they marched down Fifth
Avenue with Columbus Day pa-
raders, held a key-to-the-city cere-
mony at Columbus Circle shook
hand and gave goodwill messages to
Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller, presidential can-
didate John F. Kennedy and other
dignitaries. Nor did they neglect to
pay their respects to merchantile in-
terests. Officials of Robert E. East-
man & Co., national sales represen-
tative of WCOL, took the costumed
Columbus and Miss WCOL on the
rounds of advertising agencies,
where they gavehonorary citizenship
certificates from Columbus, Ohio.

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Widowed and nonbinary. I talk a lot about Star Trek, Ohio, cats, dinosaurs, and whatever I’m watching on TV. (They/Them)
500 followers329 following8.3k posts