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Peyton, Talented but Lazy
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Well we'd better get her out of there! Writer, voice actor, self taught artist, amateur comedian, professional pain-in-the-ass
7 followers47 following68 posts

Man, I'm just hoping Sonic's Takeovers will still be a thing, whether or not they come over here to Bluesky. #sonic#sonicthehedgehog#takeover


So let me see about that algorithm thingie... -Sonic -Retro gaming -Tetris -Mega Man -Mario -Dragon Ball -Writing -Voice Acting -OCs -Cute women -Chubby tummies


And because I fell into that sort of rabbit hole... well... have some of these~ #OC#ocart#mawshot#mouth#openwide

I have an alternate version of this, but I shaded it with an airbrush pen like a punk...

As for the expression? This is an earlier mawshot I drew, so I was still getting used to it. In character, she has a bit of a closeted thing for soft vore or extreme cuddling. She loves Garret so much, she'd wanna just eat him up, keeping him inside her to protect him.
Here's Destiny's open mouth. She isn't exactly that into showing off for just anyone, but she decided to at least humor you this time, silently judging you with her expression.
Of course, when I designed Stephanie, I had to draw her mouth open too. I mean it became an inevitability by that point. Her tongue is meant to be a lot more pale, but I like how it turned out. Des is a lucky girl~
This is a test mawshot I did on Krita with my Wacom One tablet, since I'm more used to drawing on my phone with an S Pen, but it ended up breaking.

Not a bad one, but I know I can do way better.

By this point, she also became way more open to opening her mouth and showing off, especially to Garret, who revealed his thing for it as well~

Here's Destiny's longtime girlfriend, Stephanie Willow. A witch, using different spells, séances, and such to help people. She runs a metaphysical shop, does fortune telling, and has a collection of all kinds of magical artifacts and tomes, but Destiny is the greatest magic of her life~ #OC#ocart

Stephanie took a while to nail down for me. I decided to go with the big, curly hair, satin blouse that she keeps open, the crop top, and the booty shorts, the darker colors contrasting with the white of her top and the silver of her hair. The eye shadow was a nice touch too. I also knew I wanted to give her big lips too, good for the smooching. Destiny loves those~
I absolutely need to draw Steph more, so I'm including her concept sketch here, along with some test expressions showing her sassy attitude, her cheeky flirty side, and a shot where her eyes are fully open.

Rose's daughter and the epitome of adorableness: Mila Dobbs Her imagination is incredible, always making up games and stories. She also has acute senses of people. She can tell if someone is good or bad If she likes you, she'll be the most affectionate sweetheart #OC#ocart#cuteness#adorable

Mila Dobbs with her cute butterfly hair clip, overalls with a heart patch in the chest pocket with an M on it, a big teal sweater with her sleeves being too long, a bandage on her knee after a little scrape while playing at the park, and cute light-up sneakers.

I tell you, this took a long time to perfect, but I'm so happy she came out as good as she did.
Mila turns around, sees that it's you, gets very excited, runs up to your with her arms extended, and then gives you a big, snuggly hug, her cute, squishy cheek nuzzling into you. 

You find a recipe for Mila and you find out that she's 100% love~ Especially to good people who deserve it
Look at how happy Mila is to see you! I saved this part of the comic as it's own thing because that smile is just too precious not to save
Mila snuggling up with her Mommy, Rose~ Nothing like a little mother daughter cuddle session. I really gotta finish this one. Might redraw it from scratch or change some details

This chubby blonde cutie is Rosemary Dobbs, or Rose for short She went through a lot in her childhood, but was able to become a psychiatrist and crime drama author. And she's a mother too! Super sweet, affectionate and probably the best hug of your life. Garret loves her so much~ #OC#ocart#OTP

This design took a lot to get to where it is now. I knew I wanted the word to describe her was "comfort" and I think I nailed it. Her t-shirt under her sweater is more of a crop top since she's quite chubby
This could be taken many different ways... I always liked seeing shots of a character holding tiny versions of other characters. Good for shipping purposes. Rose thinks Garret is absolutely adorable, so having a little one like this is perfect. The little guy is also clearly very happy to be in the palm of his girlfriend's hand. True love between these two~
I drew this as a little side bit when I was conceptualizing Rose's design and I had to make it its own piece. She's struggling to hold herself back from just smothering Garret with kisses and he's just having fun getting to flirt back. Usually she has the upper hand, but once he sees a weakness, he goes for it~
Took me way too long to draw them kissing. I also did this as a way to draw them without their sweatshirts on. Rose's t-shirt is kind of small for her chubby tummy, but Garret loves it, so she's okay with opening up more with him. It's a permanent baby fat sort of thing. She can't lose it no matter how hard she tries... still, being hugged by her feels like being surrounded by a warm, loving, vanilla scented marshmallow.

Garret's first rival who would become his best, most loyal friend, Allen Caine. His abilities come from the man made symbiotic creature known as Kaos, which took the form of Allen's blood and allows for complete hemokinesis. Scythes, tendrils, spikes, claws, whatever! #OC#ocart#mainrival#blood

I gotta redraw this. This was digitally colored by my friend Lucas Fryman as I did not have my drawing app at that point. Still, Allen Caine stands defiant, looking slick with his white and black fit. That originally was because his powers were gonna be more demonic, and thus his blood would have been black, which would look really nice on a white outfit for some fancy effects.
Some fun with perspective as Allen tries to grab his opponent with a bloody claw, his Crimson Death scythe construct in his opposite hand, all while shouting "GET OVER HERE!" which was a Mortal Kombat reference, as I was in a bit of a Mortal Kombat hyperfixation at the time of drawing this

Here's Garret's older sister, Destiny Carter. This redheaded lesbian has quite the arsenal. Teleportation, energy blasts, flight, strength, speed, and massive amounts of energy that she keeps in check or she'll explode. Glad she keeps a cool head and a positive outlook #OC#ocart

I recently digitized an older drawing of Destiny. She's striking a simple pose, holding an arm behind her back.
Destiny letting more of her power loose, surrounding herself with a red and blue aura. I was still toying around with ideas for her power set. Originally she was gonna have psychic powers, but now she'll be less Silver the Hedgehog and more Shadow the Hedgehog

I suppose introductions are in order here for our new friends here in this BlueSky Meet Garret Carter, my main character. Speed is his main thing. That and showing off. With his incredible speed and force control, as well as his agile fighting He is The Surging Gale #OC#OCart#maincharacter

Garret Carter standing at the ready, striking a confident battle pose
Garret Carter loves doing fancy parkour tricks, so here we see him striking a one handed handstand with a smile on his face. This is an older picture from 2018 that I recently digitized
Another fun bit of posing practice with Garret, this time showing his back. There are many versions of this piece with differing amounts of shading, but this one was my favorite as it is much less obnoxious and the colors are quite vibrant
I've yet to digitally finish this one. Garret uses his own sort of capoeira adjacent style of fighting, combining kickboxing, breakdancing, and other forms of acrobatics, so this is him delivering a powerful kick from the ground, pushing up for added leverage. The opponent is a character I need to finish the design for
Reposted by Peyton, Talented but Lazy

Bluesky's open, quote your art to promote yourself!! Figured I might as well show off my art to a wider audience. Why not, right? #artistonbluesky#art#characterart#OC#anime#cool#cute

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Peyton, Talented but Lazy
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Well we'd better get her out of there! Writer, voice actor, self taught artist, amateur comedian, professional pain-in-the-ass
7 followers47 following68 posts