Tanya Huff
I make a living writing science fiction and fantasy. Mostly fantasy. It's been said I've never met a trope I didn't skewer. I'm good with that. Also, there's cats. And knitting. she/her
984 followers104 following501 posts

Today's word is HEAT. And because it's the 1st April 2025 and available for preorder now! Shop indie if you can.

Absolutely amazing cover of Direct Descendant in the lower left--greens and yellows with silver birch and tentacles-- with quote to the right, black words on green.

   The old man proved hard to move, gripping my forearm with one tanned hand while he waved the other. "You should have called! These new phone things..." He leaned in. His breath smelled like coffee. "...they work. All over."
   "Don't grandad me, Stephanie! I'm old, I'm not senile." He glanced down at his hand, patted my arm absently, pushed past his granddaughter and shuffled into the pub. 
   "I'm so sorry." Stephanie sighed wearily. "He's having a bad day. It's
the heat." 
   And possibly the caffeine, I added silently. Were people that old even allowed to have caffeine? Could their hearts stand it?

So excited! Disappointed that I have to wait until April!


Looking forward to it!


I just preordered a copy! Your books are an automatic buy for me, and this new one sounds utterly delightful!


And actually, it's Direct Descendant. Singular. I keep forgetting which it is so that s keeps randomly appearing. For what it's worth, I was 11 or 12 before I was positive my birthday was the 26th not the 27th.

Tanya Huff
I make a living writing science fiction and fantasy. Mostly fantasy. It's been said I've never met a trope I didn't skewer. I'm good with that. Also, there's cats. And knitting. she/her
984 followers104 following501 posts