Rich Durst
I write, I draw, I game. Raised in Christianity and in SFF geekdom, shaped by ADHD and anime and the Internet, saved by friendship and the power of stories. I wish to create and share stories that can inspire others, the way I’ve been inspired.
307 followers250 following1.5k posts
Reposted by Rich Durst

🦊 🍁

A drawing of a fox holding a mug of tea in a fall forest. The caption reads, "there are plenty of good things left to see; you are far from done"
Reposted by Rich Durst



I keep dreaming there’s a portal in my dreams to an alternate reality, and I’m trying to find a way to keep it open so other people can join me there. 私は夢の中に別の現実への入り口があることを夢見続けており、他の人々が私と一緒にそこに行けるようにその入り口を開いたままにする方法を見つけようとしています。


I’m not a big fan of the new paper grocery bags, but Mira seems to like them. 私は新しい紙製のレジ袋があまり好きではないのですが、ミラは気に入っているようです。 #miraposting

A calico cat curled up in a Walmart paper bag.


Does this make me an elder?

I’m user #16,726 out of bluesky’s 10,000,000+
Reposted by Rich Durst

Every platform needs its own anime mascot! 🟦☁️

A character design sheet of an anime character that is a humanized version of BlueSky. She has a big white hat, blue, short hair with one pony tail on the side. Blue eyes as well as blue leggings. Her clothes resemble a white sailor outfit and is decorated with blue ribbons that look like the BlueSky logo. She has white wings that are puffy like clouds. She also wears white leg warmers and shoes.  

On the top it says "Blue-Tan". On the bottom the themes are listed: Sky, clouds, butterfly and sailor. On the right it says Aosora Boubou as well its japanese kanji equivalent.
Reposted by Rich Durst

Experimenting with proportions and perspective on my characters lately.

Reposted by Rich Durst

Here are 543 images (1.5GB) of items at the Philadelphia Museum of Art arms and armor exhibit You're free to use them for anything, even commercially. I tried to focus on details not usually represented in available reference material Here's a small sampling:

A closeup view of an ornate cuirass and tasset, showing heart-shaped designs along the edges of the metal panels.
An extremely ornate ceremonial halberd head showing etched and blackened designs with various plants, mythical creatures, and heraldic designs.
A closeup of the shoulder intersection of the cuirass, pauldron, and bevor of a piece of 1500s field armor. Some ornate etching of the crucifixion is visible in the lower right corner on the cuirass.

Based on conversations I’ve seen on The Other Site, yes they are. And it makes me weep for our future.

Reposted by Rich Durst

if ur gonna post porn/nudity please mark the post as containing porn/nudity. theres no algorithm punishment for marking your stuff so its the least you can do for people who dont wanna see it

Rich Durst
I write, I draw, I game. Raised in Christianity and in SFF geekdom, shaped by ADHD and anime and the Internet, saved by friendship and the power of stories. I wish to create and share stories that can inspire others, the way I’ve been inspired.
307 followers250 following1.5k posts