Hi I'm T.H.C the creator and owner the Dragon's World I'm a black, bisexual male who makes what he wants so you can suck my dick if you want to stop me. born in 2007. Other places to find
4 followers40 following22 posts

This is Potaro the First Dragon of Fire and Land he is tied for third biggest Dragon being like a walking volcano. He resides in the Magma Cavern in the heart of the Red Desert, he is an ally of Yumeko out of fear as he was tricked into betraying Akumagi so long ago #Dragons#OC#Art#Dragon'sWorld

Potaro a massive bipedal wingless Dragon he is covered is dark grey scales with massive obsidian black plates covering the top of his head all the way down his back and tail, along his arms and his legs. His hands have four total digits with white claws and his feet has three digits with massive white claws. Potaro has boney growths going along the sides of his body, Potaro's head is similar in structure to an Armadillo Girdled Lizard and his massive eyes are fire red with small obsidian black pupils the fire red extends to cracks that go to the back of his head. Potaro leaks fire red lava from in between the obsidian black plates and his volcano like tail.

This is Jiutai the First Dragon of Time and Space she resides at the top of the Temporal Tower guarding the Time Gears which grant on the ability to control the flow of time and ability otherwise only she has. She has a habit of using her powers for her own fun #Dragon#Crocodile#OC#Dragon'sWorld

Jiutai a large crocodile with teal hair covering to the back of the head and neck, she's covered in dark teal scales with a lighter underside and she has dark teal eyes with teal pupils

This is T.H.C one of the ascended humans a group of humans who during their extinction came into contact with Dragon blood and evolved with this being what T.H.C became, with no memories of his past life he flies through the skies of Arcadia. #Dragon#Dragons#OC#Selfinsert#Dragon'sWorld#Art

T.H.C a massive snake like Dragon with dark purple scales and a dark pink underside as well as two large arms with fully articulate 5 fingered hands. Instead of lips and teeth T.H.C has a black beak with several sharp protrusions to pierce and rip flesh and his brown beady eyes are protected by a hard black metallic covering instead of eyelids and he has gills instead if nostrils. On the back of T.H.C'S head and on the tip of his tail he has dark magenta feathers with which he can control air in order to control the weather. On his back T.H.C has two hallow boney wings that unleash large amounts of fire and heat to launch him through the sky.

This is Kibioku the First Dragon of Death who resides in the Deceased Canyon filled with rotting meat, a gas he generates called the Death Gas and the other creatures that have evolved to live there he is aggressive performing to be left alone. #Dragon#Dragons#OCs#OriginalCharacter#Dragon'sWorld

Kibioku a large western style dragon with dark red scales and a brown underside he has gills on his torso from which he spews his Death Gas. His feet have 4 digits each with white claws. His wings are similar to those of vultures with brown membranes and his long tail is tapered to a sharp point. Kibioku's face is similar in structure to an Asian Water Monitor with two massive fake eyes while his real eyes are small crimson beads without visible pupils

This is Yumeko the First Dragon of Light she resides in the Shining Crater hundreds of years ago she betrayed and sealed away the First Dragon of Darkness Akumagi. In the modern day she's focused on the SLAYERS superweapons left behind by humanity but she keeps a close eye on that seal.

Yumeko a large tyrannosaur like Dragon with a golden yellow coloration and a lighter yellow underside with purple stripes, she has firery orange fur covering part of her head, her elbows and going down her back down to the tip of her tail which has a large jagged crystalline club, she has two dark yellow horns and several dark yellow spines going down her back ending slightly before the fur does, her head is similar in shape to a Basilisk Lizard with large pale yellow eyes with yellow pupils, her arms are very pronounced with large hands that have three fingers with white claws suited to digging and her feet are bear like with fur covering her legs from the shin down and white claws

This is Seiryoku the largest Dragon on Arcadia and the First Dragon of Life she has stayed in one spot incubating a massive egg under her for so long that a forest called the Forever Forest has formed around her. On her back are several small mountains surrounding a giant tree called Yggdrasil.

Seiryoku a giant turtle like Dragon with a dark yellow shell that covers both her face and back with the shell getting lighter from her nostrils downwards her face has a a turtle like beak, Seiryoku has segmented shell like plates on her legs that go from the knee down with large white claws the parts of Seiryoku not covered in shell or vegetation is a dark red color with her eyes being a cloudy green with no visible pupils though in the picture her eyes are closed. Seiryoku's body is covered in vegetation particularly her back from the tip of her nose down to the tip of her long shell covered tail there is also vegetation covering the shells of her legs, Seiryoku on the center of her back has several small mountains arranged in a circle on her back surrounding the massive tree Yggdrasil

This is Akumagi one of the godlike First Dragons specifically the First Dragon of Darkness. He was betrayed and sealed away by the First Dragon of Light Yumeko leading to several thousand years of imprisonment where he could only interact with the world through a fragment of his true form.

The Sealed form of Akumagi measuring in at 154ft long 65ft tall and 7,865lbs he is a massive monstrous snake with black eyes and hot pink pupils with a red glow around them he also has a massive bloodshot eye with a hot pink pupil in the center of his forehead, his body is lined with bloodshot eyes with hot pink pupils and his tail has a fan of red crystalline feathers, his whole body is a dark red coloration with a pale red underside.
When angry Akumagi's true form takes a coloration similar to his sealed form or it would be more apt to say it's the other way around he was pretty pissed during those years sealed away after all...
The true form of Akumagi measuring in at 900ft long 765ft tall and 9,754,836lbs he is a massive Lindwurm with four arms instead of two and six eyes instead of two with hot pink pupils and lighter pink scalera, he has a massive chest with a massive opening revealing a ***very*** tough organ called a "Dark Heart" surrounding the opening as well as lining his body are openings called Darkness Vents that can produce a dark mist that he can weaponize, on the bottom of his chest is a second mouth with a large metallic mustache like growth that wraps around his body which is colored white with a golden underside

Bluesky's open, quote with a piece of art to promote yourself


Incase your wondering what you'll see from my account you will mainly see ā€¢Dragons ā€¢A whole lot of Dragons ā€¢Dragons being any reptile in my case ā€¢Also Dragon OCs and my YouTube ā€¢Maybe every now and then you'll see other stuff but not much


This is Dynamo one of many Robot Dragons created on the island Atlantis being a robot he finds it hard to communicate with even Anthro Dragons and so has formed a coalition with other robotic Dragons who will be posted whenever i get around to designing them

Dynamo a mechanical being with a stereotypically reptilian head and fire red eyes with white pupils he has a hinged mouth with black teeth that works like a beartrap he has a silver tube for a neck connected to a circular ball made of metal and glass with white paint surrounding a timer in the center with 3 minutes sets he has large pauldrons for shoulders which have silver tubes for arms that connect to black rectangular devices that work as his forearms he has 4 metal grey digits and one larger one that acts as a thumb, for his waist he has a metal tube where his stomach would be connected to a large rocket engine that functions as his means of transportation
Hi I'm T.H.C the creator and owner the Dragon's World I'm a black, bisexual male who makes what he wants so you can suck my dick if you want to stop me. born in 2007. Other places to find
4 followers40 following22 posts