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Ivan Diego Meseguer
Another Internet NextGen addict, FTTH - Privacy - DataProtection - Cybersecurity // Involved in all adjacent technical, cultural and societal issues. #EUROPEAN
189 followers77 following17 posts
Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

Warrantless drone surveillance represents a formidable threat to privacy and it's imperative for courts to recognize the danger that governmental drone use poses to our Fourth Amendment rights.

EFF to Michigan Court: Governments Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Use a
EFF to Michigan Court: Governments Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Use a

Should the government have to get a warrant before using a drone to spy on your home and backyard? We think so, and in an amicus brief filed last Friday in Long Lake Township v. Maxon, we urged the

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

The Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme, the intent is to awaken you to many of the peculiarities and weirdness of computers

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

Prominent #Nazi front man and #Putin bootlicker Elon Musk, also the fake "savant" wrecker of the once thriving website known as Twitter, regurgitates classic German propaganda about immigrant "invasion."

Elon Musk crosses the border to Nazi
Elon Musk crosses the border to Nazi

He's blown past blatant antisemitism and is now aligning with Jew-hating, right wing Germans. What else would you call that?

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

Data Protection subject access requests are an increasingly important safeguard against routine government surveillance of critics in normal operational public sector departments and agencies.

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

On se lance. Sur Bluesky, vous êtes les "méchants" et vous aurez, selon les tours, à voter pour la décision qui sera prise par les Empires Centraux, donc Allemagne, Autriche-Hongrie-Turquie. Les décisions prises auront des conséquences, soit historiques, si vous vous conformez à l'histoire, soit...

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

Le député Philippe Latombe attaque le transfert de données vers les États-Unis. C'est une petite bombe nucléaire qu'a lancée l'élu, à titre perso, dans un recours dirigé que le cadre de transferts des données vers les US. Premiers détails révélés hier.

Le député Philippe Latombe attaque le transfert de données vers les États-Unis
Le député Philippe Latombe attaque le transfert de données vers les États-Unis

L’élu MoDem lance un recours à titre personnel contre l’accord qui permet aux géants du Net de transférer les données des Européens aux États-Unis.

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

Reposted by Ivan Diego Meseguer

In the meantime, the UK government want to be able to force UK software companies to delay the publication of software patches... What could possibly go wrong 🤔

Changes to UK Surveillance Regime May Violate International Law
Changes to UK Surveillance Regime May Violate International Law

Proposed changes to the UK Investigatory Powers Act 2016 may violate international human rights law.

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Ivan Diego Meseguer
Another Internet NextGen addict, FTTH - Privacy - DataProtection - Cybersecurity // Involved in all adjacent technical, cultural and societal issues. #EUROPEAN
189 followers77 following17 posts