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The Avvie Nation
Cats and music-making Average bass player
30 followers20 following1.3k posts

I cant wait until this great national shitstorm is over so I can think about either one of those


He now has tremendous power granted by SCOTUS, and his #1 job that he is sworn to do is to protect and defend the US and Constitution from all threats foreign and domestic. He should absolutely arrest trump for military tribunal, as well as Musk and every lying radical fascist talk show host.


His entire life has been spent inside the Beltway, and he has no idea who he's dealing with.


Something CAN be done; Biden simply refuses to.


4/5 So the only people aligned with the radical fascists ARE LIBERALS. And liberals will burn up the internet making excuses for it and claiming they have no power. They absolutley have power, but they're fucking pussies afraid to make fascists mad, or else divvying up the private equity checks.


....vindictive when it looked like progressives (rightfully) did not want her to have the Speaker gavel again. Cuellar. Adams. Biden, who has been in DC since 1973!! And libs will absolutely defend free speech rights for Nazis, who have openly rejected all claim to those rights ideologically.


...reform when she knows that McConnell will block it. Schiff prosecuted trump knowing he would lose after accepting Mitch's pinky-swear, then ran for the seat that Katie Porter was wanting so that he can be a career politician. Manchin and Sinema, but BLUE NO MATTER WHO!! Pelosi was wildly...2/3


Okay, pat yourself on your back all you want, but the simple fact is that all Dem career politicians are right-wing capitalists. The owners of their media outlets are all right wing capitalists. Schumer only backs right wing Democrats during election season. Pelosi only attacks campaign finance 1/2


This is capitalism doing the exact opposite of what the Right claims it would do and instead doing exactly what the Right claims communism would do.


I only listen for Liz Franczek's wildly sexy vocal fry

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The Avvie Nation
Cats and music-making Average bass player
30 followers20 following1.3k posts