C-jazz fan, paragon of mediocrity. Posting in support of the greater registered community and reform of SO registration laws. Opinions my own.
70 followers48 following1.2k posts

I guess I'm showing my age, thinking he was an actor first, who then shifted to his music. I know I'll regret saying this... ...but I associate him most with Millennium... and hearing his name always makes me think of the cousin from The Fantastic Mr. Fox.

a bald man with a beard is sitting in a chair and says " don 't judge me "
a bald man with a beard is sitting in a chair and says " don 't judge me "

ALT: a bald man with a beard is sitting in a chair and says " don 't judge me "


C-jazz fan, paragon of mediocrity. Posting in support of the greater registered community and reform of SO registration laws. Opinions my own.
70 followers48 following1.2k posts