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Mr Matt Makes Music
Happily Married! Producer / Owner of Black Heathen Entertainment & Fifty Over 50 Podcasts / I'll Vote Blue No Matter Who
663 followers696 following3.8k posts

Fuck polls! Polls have consistently been wrong since Romney/Obama election and only gotten worse. Nate Silver isgetting paid buy Scumbag Peter Theil and now Trump is magically Ahead by a thousand points. Trump team working with Assmussen.. Just Vote like we are behind !

A pollster’s warning: Beware 2024 election polls
A pollster’s warning: Beware 2024 election polls

We really do not know, with any degree of precision, who is ahead and who is trailing in the presidential election.


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Mr Matt Makes Music
Happily Married! Producer / Owner of Black Heathen Entertainment & Fifty Over 50 Podcasts / I'll Vote Blue No Matter Who
663 followers696 following3.8k posts