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Mr Matt Makes Music
Happily Married! Producer / Owner of Black Heathen Entertainment & Fifty Over 50 Podcasts / I'll Vote Blue No Matter Who
663 followers696 following3.8k posts

Well if she's mentally disabled what does that make Trump because she destroyed him at the debate. Like literally they had to call the coroner.. That's how bad she murdered his ass. So.. what does that make him? I'll wait....,


Career over. Wasn't much of a career but it's over none the less. Maybe he can work at Subway with Scott Baio and Kevin Sorbo. I hear they're looking for someone to work the night shift


What's wrong with Florida? Everything


Or into another timeline where he is one of the workers he's stiffed.


Honestly I've not seen or been bothered by a trumpturd or racist moron n here not one time. I'm actually wondering if I'm not harsh enough in my posts


The fly came from his shit filled diaper of Melanias stank vagina


Those are the evil ones that thinks so low of their own a/constituents, employees, congregations and viewers that they can literally outright lie and lead them to believe they are voting to better their lives while totally doing the opposite.


See he's the problem with this.. republicans obviously think we are terminally STUPID like their voters are. Republican voters are literally probably the dumbest, most breathing illiterate morons in the whole world. The lowest of the low. Lower than pond scum.


lol.. they're so blatantly Disingenuous is hilariously pathetic


This is the best piece of read all year

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Mr Matt Makes Music
Happily Married! Producer / Owner of Black Heathen Entertainment & Fifty Over 50 Podcasts / I'll Vote Blue No Matter Who
663 followers696 following3.8k posts