Tyver Foucault
The air in your lungs remembers being a storm. The iron in your blood, a sword. they/he/she
361 followers418 following422 posts

The machines we make are extensions of our body, and are just as much of an affront to entropy


A cybertruck is a type of mollusk. Steam until the shell opens, or split with a paring knife and serve raw


Find the bone covered in jewels, it'll pay for the funeral. Hang on to the bone of polished obsidian, that was the source of my prophetic dreams. Keep looking til you find the bone made of coral from the time I became the ocean. And grab the bone that looks like a celery stalk, the kids will love it


When I die be sure to pick through my bones and keep the cool ones

Reposted by Tyver Foucault

You don't see alien autopsy videos anymore. Even with AI everywhere. What's so dangerous they won't even allow us to imagine it?


Jughead becoming Dr. Manhattan

Reposted by Tyver Foucault

more of the excellent paintings in Horror in the High Desert 2, I really like these!!

Ominous painting of a white cloaked figure standing before the high desert
A painting of an all-yellow figure with rough texture standing in a weird pose by some trees at night
Many humanoid silhouettes in what looks like a snowy landscape
Painting of a weird white humanoid figure standing in a blue hued desert landscape
Reposted by Tyver Foucault

screenshot of a submission to the new yorker cartoon caption contest. the cartoon depicts a man and a woman standing on a beach with a large face looming behind the horizon. the caption reads: 

physically, being seen should not feel like anything. the light bounces, and lands. and we are unaffected. but we are not creatures of physics, dave. we are something else entirely. we are vast tangles of interconnected experiences. we are also lost
Reposted by Tyver Foucault

Be honest, if we were two chevaliers locked in a duel, at the moment our swords crossed would you lean in close? Would you feel the heat of my breath on your cheek? As my saber plunged into your chest, would you finally accept my kiss?

Reposted by Tyver Foucault

neither is anywhere else

Tyver Foucault
The air in your lungs remembers being a storm. The iron in your blood, a sword. they/he/she
361 followers418 following422 posts