Elaine Gallagher
She/her: Writer, Greens councillor, trans person. "Live and let live" is a social contract; if you reject the "let live" part, you can't claim to be protected by the rest of it.
455 followers279 following436 posts

I am a massive rules nerd, but I prefer that the system should enable the story, rather than bolting on kludges to an existing scheme to make it work (d20/5e). Which is what CoC is: simplified Runequest with the Sanity mechanic added. Which is also increasingly recognised as being really ableist...


So instead of Sanity, let's say that meeting the Mythos breaks people's connection to human consensus (with associated mental trauma and ongoing health issues), and have a Humanity / Uncanny mechanism. Increased Uncanny makes it harder to recover Humanity, and acts as a penalty to interactions ...

Elaine Gallagher
She/her: Writer, Greens councillor, trans person. "Live and let live" is a social contract; if you reject the "let live" part, you can't claim to be protected by the rest of it.
455 followers279 following436 posts