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Idle musings & trying to figure out life. (she/her)
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If anyone needs me today I’ll be hanging out here.

Ambience/ASMR: Cozy Victorian Pub (Tavern/Alehouse/Inn) with Fireplace/Wood-Burning Stove, 4 Hours
Ambience/ASMR: Cozy Victorian Pub (Tavern/Alehouse/Inn) with Fireplace/Wood-Burning Stove, 4 Hours

List of Sounds: - the many-voiced murmuring of ease and rest, of peace and good cheer, cresting & falling in waves as townsfolk arrive and linger and depart in the collective life-rhythms that even small crowds possess -- this happy purr of voices is characterized by conversations that take place uniquely over a pint (sometimes they are slow and spare, uttered in fragments between one sip or several, with meaning held not in the routine exchange itself but in the ritual, which transforms what would be solitary into something shared and enhances by pleasant contrast the chummy silence; sometimes they are ebullient and eager, with the sudden freshness and vigor that arrive when burdens lift or labor is done, when every countenance seems friendly and every neighbor seems a guest at the celebration of the liberated spirit) - laughter cascading over drinks, over the polished & touch-deepened wood of the bar-top, spilling down the legs of haphazard stools, tumbling and skittering over the stone floor like a playful pet, nestling into plaster and beams, collecting into mortared nooks between bricks and stones, so much inhabiting the very fabric of the place that it lingers for generations and can almost be heard in the still of night, when all is silent, but somehow even the silence sounds merry - the welcoming flick & crackle of a fire in the wood-burning stove, perhaps the single most effective means by which a public house can feel like "home"; it is tended by a multitude of hands, the regulars almost absent-mindedly and by instinct wielding the poker, adding a log, with the fire therefore as content and nurtured as a baby passed freely to open-armed auntie, to uncle, to grandma, to sibling - outside, the bright chattering of town-birds (with a cosmopolitan bravery & adaptability -- roosting in eaves, foraging underfoot -- distinct from their brethren in wilderness), and the clacking of well-shod hooves as simple cart and showy carriage are borne along with equal equine dignity - a pub's own cheerful accompaniment to the communal singing-out of conviviality: the quiet hand-pump of the beer engine and the satisfying music of the pour as ale is pulled up from casks that line the cool, dark cellar; the filling-up of household flagons to be returned home with dinner-beer; the friendly flow of the cider-jug; the nimble uncorking & uncapping of liquor bottles and their suitably restrained, respectable trickle; the promising thunk & slide of full, heavy ale-glass against bar-top; the ever-more-jolly clink & clatter of vessels made increasingly light; the jingling of bottles neatened on a shelf, ordered with particular satisfaction into a straight, proud row; the rattle of dishes presenting, with the simple generosity of a hostess who serves friends, morsels of pickled whelks, boiled peas, and sheep's feet - the novel ring of a cash-register, a contraption introduced at the same time as the hiring of the first barmaid, since the aging proprietress feared that any employee (surely incapable of feeling the same love for the place as the woman who owns it, and whose whole life has played out between its walls) would no doubt use a winning, dissembling smile to mask the workings of light fingers - the soft click of dominoes and subtle thump of dart against sisal board, in competition that, however spirited, never rises to "clash"; it is instead out of mutual generosity that skill here is tested and admired, with rivalry merely another face of brotherhood * Question: What is an ambience video? Answer: Pleasant, soothing background images & sound for relaxation, study, play, or work; gently occupies an anxious or unfocused mind without causing unwanted distraction; creates a comfortable, inviting atmosphere; personalizes sparse, colorless, or impersonal environments; enlivens spaces where we live or work alone; fills silence with more subtlety, ease, and warmth than music or TV; offers softly dynamic "rainbow noise" instead of monotonous white noise; enhances interior design & personal style by turning screens/screensavers into live photographic displays. * A NOTE ON ADS: This channel attempts to be ad-free and noncommercial, in resistance to ever-more-intrusive, ever-more-ubiquitous ads and the promotion of unsustainable, dehumanizing consumerism. Any ads that may be visible are inserted automatically by YouTube without my approval, and to my great distress: I have not authorized and receive no revenue from ads. My channel was established with the sole intention of sharing as an act of love and service. I do not expect or intend to receive any personal gain; however, some viewers with the generous desire to donate have nonetheless requested a method by which to do so. Therefore, donations to support the channel are accepted via PayPal, with grateful assurances that they will be put to immediate good use. Donations/Tip Jar:


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Idle musings & trying to figure out life. (she/her)
727 followers604 following4.2k posts