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Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]
Anti-capitalist elder millesbian 💜 the only way to save ourselves is to save each other met the loml right here on bsky :)
7.8k followers1.4k following66.6k posts

This makes me so beyond angry. This student was doing the traditional Islamic greeting for Ramadan (hadn’t even mentioned Palestine, but EVEN IF SHE HAD)

People’s city council LA tweet with the video of the incident UC BERKELEY LAW PROFESSOR ASSAULTS PALESTINIAN MUSLIM HIJABI LAW STUDENT‼️

Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of @BerkeleyLaw, (huge Zionist) hosted a dinner for graduating law students. Chemerinsky’s wife & law professor, Catherine Fisk, assaulted a Palestinian Muslim hijabi law student

A law professor too, imagine that 🙃

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Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]
Anti-capitalist elder millesbian 💜 the only way to save ourselves is to save each other met the loml right here on bsky :)
7.8k followers1.4k following66.6k posts