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TJ McLaughlin
Ministry student, author, streamer, ttrpg writer, and small-time farmer in rural New England. He/him is fine.
107 followers462 following155 posts

They had told me they thought they knew who did it, bc they were mad at a boy for getting them grounded after using their address for a previous prank call, which is why I told them not to tell me what they were going to do to fix my problem.


1 time, while delivering pizzas to the edge of our delivery range, I got annoyed about it being a prank call, and used the pizza to pay a pair of kids to "tell me nothing, but ensure I never get another prank call to this neighborhood." I never got another prank call to that neighborhood.


In 2nd grade, I got banned from recess & had to sit by a wall often. One day, I realized I could climb that wall. Teacher noticed when I was two stories up, yelled for me to get down, so I let go. Landed on my back on the blacktop. I walked away, but the theory is that's when I got my scoliosis.


I moved to a new school my sr year months after my bros. Met most people there at band camp, which had a dance the last night, where a surprising # of girls asked to dance with me. I joked with my bro abt how his gf was 1 of them. He didn't get mad until 2 years later, when she and I got engaged.


I told my wife about this idea and expressed concern that I have no frame of reference for which of my stories are unhinged and which are not, and she informed me that almost every story I tell about my life qualifies. So let me pick some to add to this thread tomorrow.


THRICE a wild chipmunk has found its way into our house, been harassed by our cats for a few days, and then left alone long enough that I ended up picking it up and releasing it outside myself. And each time, the cats are scandalized, as if I didn't give them a business week to do their job!

Reposted by TJ McLaughlin

Halloween draws nigh, the pumpkins in my yard are swelling, and I'm clawing through the werewolf anthology I was published in. So far I really like the stories by Bryce Meerhaege and Rain Corbyn. And check out my entry, also called "Good Bones!"

Reposted by TJ McLaughlin

I almost missed #HorrorWritersChat whoops - I'm Vincent! I write Gothic and Lovecraftian horror with trans man MCs! My current project, started today, is a short story about a cultist (who may not be human) trying to help stop the end of the world.

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TJ McLaughlin
Ministry student, author, streamer, ttrpg writer, and small-time farmer in rural New England. He/him is fine.
107 followers462 following155 posts