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The Power/Less Podcast
Music and political podcast.
14 followers26 following43 posts

Good morning

Screenshot of questions and answers 
“How much would it cost to eradicate homelessness in the US?” A- “53 billion.”
“How much would it cost to eradicate hunger in the US?” A- “25 billion”
“How much would it cost to make education free?” A- “80 billion.” 
“How much money has the US sent to Israel in total?” A- “over 250 billion”

Episode 67 w/ Desmond breaks down their new EP “I’ll Always Be Here.” the landscape of politics and corruption, mental health, and day to day struggles that influenced the lyrics, and what can be expected from the band going forward. 🔗in🅱️ #emo#newmusic#poppunk


The news is reporting that a man "set himself on fire" outside of the Four Seasons Hotel in Boston. Across from the hotel? The Israeli consulate. I wonder why that isn't front and center in the reporting.


Just a reminder that immigrants don’t kill your pets, but cops do Via The University of New Hampshire Law Review “The Department of Justice estimates that American police officers shoot 10,000 pet dogs in the line of duty each year."


There’s a few things they both agree on Like blowing up children and hospitals


I don't understand how people think a staffer liking a comment on a social media post that also states to vote for the green party equates to Stein being a "trumper" Try explaining that to a single less plugged in person, they'll look at you like you have five heads.


Didn’t want to put this together but had to I detail Emily Armstrong’s sorted past of supporting Danny Masterson, the callout by Cedric Bixler-Zavala and how it casts a shadow on Linkin Park’s return.

Who is Emily Armstrong?
Who is Emily Armstrong?

In the hours since Linkin Park's new vocalist took the stage for the first time with the band, some information about her history has come to light that could cast a shadow over the legendary band's r...

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The Power/Less Podcast
Music and political podcast.
14 followers26 following43 posts