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Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet
“Music” et cetera. Soundcloud: IG (architectural photography):
94 followers371 following131 posts

ばら相談コーナー | Rose Consultation Corner (Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan) 「ばらの育て方で困ったら気軽にご相談ください!」 / “If you have any questions about how to grow roses, please feel free to contact us!”

Black and white photo of a small office environment with a desk and two chairs.

“Bitte schreiben Sie eine Schimpftirade über Donald Trump im Stil von Thomas Bernhard.” (TL;DR: ChatGPT doesn't do Thomas Bernhard very well.)

Bitte schreiben Sie eine Schimpftirade über Donald Trump im Stil von Thomas Bernhard.

Dieser Donald Trump, dieser abgründige, unerträgliche, unerträglich dumme Mensch, der mit seiner grotesken Selbstherrlichkeit und seiner grenzenlosen, wirklich bodenlosen Ignoranz die Welt in ein einziges Panoptikum der Lächerlichkeit verwandelt hat. Was für eine unfassbare, geradezu absurde Peinlichkeit für die Menschheit, dass dieser Mensch überhaupt existiert, dass dieser aufgeblasene, mit nichts als leerem Getöse und pathologischer Selbstverliebtheit erfüllte, alberne Clown überhaupt jemals das Amt des Präsidenten innehatte, als wäre die gesamte Zivilisation nur ein schlechter Scherz, als wäre die Geschichte eine armselige Farce, die niemand mehr ernst nehmen kann.
Reposted by Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet

Despite the CCP's claims, UN Resolution 2758 does not establish the "One China Principle" as a matter of international law, but principally the right of the #PRC#China#UN#Taiwanese must urgently be remedied.

Reposted by Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet

Hong Kong's government, which is currently on a spree of targeting its critics on sedition charges, is complaining that people are using pseudonyms to talk about declining freedom in Hong Kong. Gee, I wonder why that might be!

[too long, check link for full text] "The offences stipulated in the NSL and the SNSO clearly define their elements, penalties, exceptions and defences. These laws actively prevent, suppress and punish acts and activities that endanger national security, in accordance with the principle of the rule of law. Additionally, they target an extremely small minority of people and organisations that pose a threat to national security, while protecting the lives and property of the public. Law-abiding people including students, scholars, and other academics will not engage in acts and activities that endanger national security and will not unwittingly violate the law, and therefore have no reason to be worried."

     The spokesman said, "We noticed that most of the interviewees of the so-called report have used pseudonyms, which is a tactics frequently adopted by anti-China forces, making it difficult to ascertain if the interviewees
Reposted by Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet

"… rising authoritarianism, if not actual totalitarianism, in China has turned the tables on Western universities. Instead of spearheading the liberalisation of China, they have become vulnerable to Chinese pressure in the opposite direction."

Three universities turned down a bust to a Chinese human rights activist before it went to Galway
Three universities turned down a bust to a Chinese human rights activist before it went to Galway

Instead of spearheading China’s liberalisation, Western universities which benefit from Chinese money are increasingly vulnerable to pressure from its government

Reposted by Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet

I'll believe billionaire tech moguls care about freedom of expression when they start developing tools to provide internet freedom for people in China and other authoritarian states, rather than cosying up to the CCP and asking Xi Jinping to name their newborn children.


"If […] the social dissolution wrought by neoliberal capitalism has revitalized fascism in the West, it has been similarly important in the rise of ethnonationalist dictatorship in China."

The Cost of China’s Prosperity - Boston Review
The Cost of China’s Prosperity - Boston Review

For Hong Kong and Taiwan, neoliberalism’s falling tides made political repression inevitable.

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Thomas Kyhn Rovsing Hjørnet
“Music” et cetera. Soundcloud: IG (architectural photography):
94 followers371 following131 posts