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Toby Vogel
(Re)tired journalist in Brussels, writing on EU policies and politics, southeastern Europe, migration, democracy, transparency, information manipulation. Co-founder, Democratization Policy Council (
979 followers731 following150 posts

"By caving in to anti-migration sentiment, supposedly 'centrist' political parties are doing the far right's bidding and legitimising its vision of a Europe with hardening borders." Maurice Stierl's piece about Germany reimposing border checks is spot on:

Germany’s border clampdown threatens the entire European project | Maurice Stierl
Germany’s border clampdown threatens the entire European project | Maurice Stierl

No wonder Viktor Orbán and Geert Wilders are cheering. Olaf Scholz is helping them to reshape the EU as they want it


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Toby Vogel
(Re)tired journalist in Brussels, writing on EU policies and politics, southeastern Europe, migration, democracy, transparency, information manipulation. Co-founder, Democratization Policy Council (
979 followers731 following150 posts