Tomás Martinez
Assistant Professor at Insper. Mostly macroeconomics and labor in en/pt/es.
49 followers74 following5 posts
Reposted by Tomás Martinez

Hi all. I'm Pedro Picchetti from INSPER Institute of Research and Education, in Brazil. My

The instrumental variables (IV) method has been widely studied in cross-sectional settings. However, many practical applications involve panel data, in settings where a unit's treatment status may turn on or off over time. I show that in the presence of dynamic treatment effects, that is, if past treatments affect current potential outcomes, standard methods are no longer valid if the instruments are serially correlated. This paper proposes the nonparametric identification of dynamic causal effects in a potential outcomes framework in which potential outcomes depend on the treatment path taken by a unit through time but the first stage is static, in the sense that at each period the IV only instruments its contemporary treatment. I provide a nonparametric estimator that is unbiased over the randomization distribution and derive its finite population limiting distribution as the sample size increase.

E se... ...aumentássemos os salários oferecidos na construção?

Reposted by Tomás Martinez

If you are interested in learning more about minimum wages, Attila Lindner and I have a new, up-to-date review of the topic, coming out in the Handbook of Labor Economics. Here's the @nberpubs working paper. Link:


Interessante. Me surpreendeu alimento ser o que mais subiu (alta de demanda externa? não sei). Acho que nos EUA é saúde e educação os que mais subiram.

Reposted by Tomás Martinez

Pleased to introduce the own-wage elasticity repository for minimum wage studies: quantifies the employment effect in an economically interpretable way. Most studies suggest small effect on jobs. Will be regularly updated. Joint with

Minimum Wage Own Wage Elasticity Repository
Minimum Wage Own Wage Elasticity Repository

Representative estimates from minimum wage studies

Tomás Martinez
Assistant Professor at Insper. Mostly macroeconomics and labor in en/pt/es.
49 followers74 following5 posts