TQ White II
Geriatric computer programmer, Kamala Partisan, science hobbyist, dedicated feminist, lately interested in actual philosophy. (See I hereby claim my position as pro-AI. Errors and hallucinations happen to people, too
148 followers376 following1.8k posts

While I can imagine using it for, say, data visualization animations or something in that spirit, the idea of supplanting actual creativity with AI is gross.


Luke, this is awesome. I'm an AI fan and this is the best example of a non-stupid use of AI I've seen. (Aside from the fancy SIF standards XML test data generator I'm working on which, admittedly, is for a more narrow audience.) Thank you very much for this and congratulations.


This guy is so far past his sell-by date. I've been sick of him for years. I guess he's trying to say that Harris' campaign leadership should trust themselves to take a clear path but, management decisiveness is *not* autocracy. He's an idiot for saying so.


Bluesky folk who were discussing the resurgence of Twitter-like nastiness on the platform. Check out this thread. I claim this is a reasonable discussion hijacked by a troll with an egregious insult.


Which is to say, multiple sources are wrong. It is certainly true that Palestinians are in a bad place. Also that Israel has been a bad actor (as have the Palestinians). But there is no question that the Partition of 1947 was the first time in history that both groups were not colonial subjects.


There has never been a Palestine, period. The region has always been dominated by foreign powers from the Ottomans to the. Romanā€™s to the British. The actual name Palestine was used by the Romans to delegitimize the Jews who were the main political culture at the time.


2) that the Arabs, now called Palestinians, took advantage of the fact they they, too, were given a country by the U.N. In 1947. They just hated the Jews more


ā€˜Someā€™ say all sorts of stuff but what nobody says is that 1) there is any evidence of other governments in the region before the Jews showed up in 1207, or than they wanted a homeland.


Here is sage advice for young married couples: Go to a cosmetology school and take his and hers pedicure lessons and make a hobby of it. You will be very happy about it when you are too old to get to your own toes and when you are solving problems on your spouseā€™s. Youā€™re welcome.


They didnā€™t steal the land. Britain did. They are not a colonizer state. They were granted statehood by international policy. Their historical claim to the land is a good or better than anyone elseā€™s. Concrete archeological evidence of Israel dates back to 1207 BCE.

TQ White II
Geriatric computer programmer, Kamala Partisan, science hobbyist, dedicated feminist, lately interested in actual philosophy. (See I hereby claim my position as pro-AI. Errors and hallucinations happen to people, too
148 followers376 following1.8k posts