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Trick Weekes
Narrative Designer by day (Mass Effect, Dragon Age), Novelist by night (The Palace Job, Feeder). (they/them, views strictly mine, OC do not steal)
4.8k followers138 following2.3k posts

I LOVE television. I am the easiest possible target for "let me give someone some money each month to have access to all my shows." But it doesn't work, either for rights reasons (no Leverage in Canada?) or tech screwup reasons. It's just always crappier than owning the DVDs.


there was a brief period where I stopped acquiring physical media or digital copies this has ceased, because I no longer believe I will be able to retain access to shit I like


Hell, I've legally purchased Wynonna Earp season 4 TWICE because my rights on it just disappeared somehow, and Crave, which USED to have it, now only has it in French for some reason. Amazing how capitalism just takes "good product for good money" and makes it worse and worse until it fails.

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Trick Weekes
Narrative Designer by day (Mass Effect, Dragon Age), Novelist by night (The Palace Job, Feeder). (they/them, views strictly mine, OC do not steal)
4.8k followers138 following2.3k posts