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Trollbreath Magazine
Trollbreath Magazine is a journal of speculative fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, publishing electronic issues on a quarterly schedule.
901 followers1.9k following93 posts

The air is crisp, the days are golden and it's a good time to read your short stories, poems, essays, and reviews. We open at midnight GMT.

Low-color photo of typewriter. Paper reads: Open for submissions October 1st.
Trollbreath Magazine
Image of troll off to the side (Kazmo: troll with bowler hat, chain mail, and a ray gun)
Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

Email / letter / forum exchanges are usually a hard sell for me but I love this story from "Cryptid Car Rental" is a fun one.


We are fast approaching our next submission period (October) and preparing for the release of the December issue. Check out issue one and consider becoming a member at

"Got book commitment issues? Try short fiction!" 
Image of the Trollbreath mascot Kazmo (troll with bowler hat, chain mail,  and a ray gun. 
Image of the Trollbreath magazine cover.
Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

Announcing the Harbinger Table of Contents for Apparition Lit's final issue!

Dark brown background. Red-brown text reads "HARBINGER TABLE OF CONTENTS" on the left with cover art by Annalise Jensen on the right. Cover art has a pale grey-blue sky background above a concave swirl of green grass and depicts a grey-brown bird with large red-brown and grey-brown wings spread in lift-off, reaching up with human-like arms and hands to catch a human skull, with two dark brown vultures at the top left and right. Cover art text reads "APPARITION Literary Magazine" in bright teal and "ISSUE 28: HARBINGER / GUEST EDITOR AURELIUS RAINES II / COVER ART: ANNALISE JENSEN" in red-brown.
Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

For the evening crowd: Behold, my spec fic story told in the form of a travel forum comment section! Cuz there’s *totally* nothing suspicious about a company called “Cryptid Car Rental” Warning: may induce spit-takes, cackling & shortness of breath. (Pls share with someone who needs a laugh today❤️)

Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

It's finally FREE! My first readers had a lot of nice things to say. Well, write - they couldn't stop laughing.🥰 May this story be a blessing upon your timeline (or if you're a demon, a curse! we're equal opportunity here!) Enjoy the vibes, pass it on.

Hand written notes in pen and pencil that say: "Love it!" "Love love love, ditto ditto ditto, +1 +1 +1" "Literal tears in my eyes" "I love this. I love a community coming together" with an underlined heart at the top.
Hand written notes in pen that read: "Hilarious!" with a heart, "awesome" and "Holy wow / I laughed / I shipped / I smiled / This was incredible."
Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

next month: a new issue of THE DEADLANDS drops our patrons will get the ebook directly on release day, and some will get a beautiful print issue shortly after if you love THE DEADLANDS please support us by becoming a patron for a few bucks a month (if you can spare it) thank you 🦴🩻💀

Get more from The Deadlands on Patreon
Get more from The Deadlands on Patreon

a zine containing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry about Death


You need some short fiction in your life!

Trollbreath Magazine,
Web Subscriber $6.00 every 3 Months

Ebook Subscriber $9.00 every 3 Months

Image: Trollbreath mascot, Kazmo, a troll with a bowler hat, chain mail, and a ray gun.
Reposted by Trollbreath Magazine

400 followers! Woot! Hey newbies! Now that you're here, just a couple reminders, We have a free discord (with special secret channels for patrons) Check it out!

Impossible Worlds
Impossible Worlds

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Trollbreath Magazine
Trollbreath Magazine is a journal of speculative fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, publishing electronic issues on a quarterly schedule.
901 followers1.9k following93 posts