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Marc Turnes
Devoted husband, Activist (proudly vermin), Identity and Access Management Engineer, Writer, Cunning Linguist, Cartoonist, Improviser, Historian, Economist, Dungeon Master, and w/e else. "Specialization is for Insects" -Robert Heinlein Drama Tolerance: 0
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Mostly done but it needs some touch-ups. Last time I drew a cartoon of this nature Trump acquiesced to doing the interview within a couple of days. I can only hope but I'd imagine he's got at least 2 or 3 flip-flops on debate vs no debate before October 23rd. #CowardlyLyin#OrangeChicken#Debate

Donald Trump dressed as the cowardly lion. Left shark, an empty space marked "Reserved for Token Criaglist Hires", and Hannibal Lector stand behind him.

Trump is giving a speech at a tiny podium, crying from his cowardice. He forgot to put away his Project 2025 book when he hastily hung his American flag upside down.

He didn't even have time to finish his lunch: A hamberder from the Russian version of McDonalds (since McDonalds withdrew from Russia over the genocide in Ukraine).

Of course Junior is a god damned "TEH CHEMTRAILS!" guy. Jesus. Yet he has no concerns about the negative effects of driving through three states wearing a whale's head as a full body condom.


The full cartoon will include other elements of his recent failures. Thinking maybe a podium, empty stands behind him except for some token people in "I <3 Jobs from Craigslist Ads" or something. Something about pets. Hannibal lector. Batteries. Oh and a government shutdown switch.


Quick draft of my “Cowardly Lyin’” in Zebra pen and colored pencil. 10 minutes so it’s rough. I’ll do the proper Procreate one tomorrow but #CowardlyLyin#OrangeChicken for describing Mr. “Perfect Debate” Btw fun fact: a late October debate has been the standard for 60 years.

Donald Trump as the cowardly lion holding a copy of Project 2025 and playing with his Russian themed tail.

Scarecow. I think I'm going to stick with that and the Cowardly Lyin' first and see how I feel about them. When I just looked up a reference for the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz it occurred to me: I forgot his face is painted orange, too. So that'll definitely be the starter.


Actually I might start with just the “Cowardly Lyin’” and do a series. Scaredcrow? Thin (skinned) Man? Probably some better names but I only just had the idea so BACK OFF! Then the 4th panel would be the wizard of oz one I thought of first.


Depending on how long it takes the Cowardly Felon to cave to the pressure of a 2nd debate with Harris I may draw some more cartoons highlighting his many, many faults. 1st idea: The Wizard of Oz brainless / heartless / cowardly combo to summon Captain (Dammit? Scammit? Still working on it)


While Kamala Harris has agreed to the traditional late October debate, Donald Trump is going to cower on his golf courses and other safe places. How anyone can perceive this shambling mass of feebleness (emphasis on the MASS) as anything resembling an "alpha" is beyond me. #OrangeChicken anyone?


Peter Thiel is out there complaining about global totalitarian characters with absolutely no sense of irony.


When your polls methodologies are: "How many Cult 45 Members and Russian bots can click 'Trump' in 12 hours" Yeah, grasping at straws doesn't begin to cover it. Truth Social dropping over $2 per share and Fox News saying "that was rough" tells the same truth we all saw with our own eyes.

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Marc Turnes
Devoted husband, Activist (proudly vermin), Identity and Access Management Engineer, Writer, Cunning Linguist, Cartoonist, Improviser, Historian, Economist, Dungeon Master, and w/e else. "Specialization is for Insects" -Robert Heinlein Drama Tolerance: 0
11 followers22 following301 posts