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The Undiscovered Lands
Parent, partner, and full time pro DM who runs an online afterschool D&D program for kids.
4 followers25 following15 posts

When my teenage son won’t get up, I’m not against blasting welcome to the jungle at his bedside. I’m that sort of dad


My memory is so scrambled I recently referred to the WaPo reporters who broke the Watergate story as “Leonard and Bernstein.”


Magic sword: why are you using me to hit this magic tower? Player: [heroic voice] Because, sword, you fight whatever’s in front of me! Sword: I’ll remember that the next time you take me with you to the privy…


I DM over a dozen games a week. On Monday I’m describing action like “Electricity coruscates through your arms, striking the orc with lightning and igniting the pelts on his shoulders.” By Friday I’m like “you hit the thing with the thing.”


People don’t realize that while I like that I left my corporate job three years ago to start a business running DnD for kids, and that I’m happy it’s become so successful, I’m really just stoked that I haven’t had to make a ppt deck in over THREE YEARS and it is GLORIOUS!!


The party was in Sigil and wanted to go to a Tavern so I pulled one up from Planescape, not remembering I’d used the same one a month earlier in a different part of the city. The party assumed it was a magical tavern accessible from more than one place. From then on, it was.


Anyone out there still driving cars that run on French fry oil? Remember when that was a thing?


In any case, I suggest to parents who want to introduce their kids to the game not to start by watering down the rules. You don’t have to overwhelm them with ALL of the rules in the beginning (that’s not really how you teach anyone to do anything) but don’t avoid complexity for its own sake.


But it’s that complexity that makes it fun. Two players in the same game can be enjoying it for totally different reasons. One may enjoy the role playing. Another might be figuring out cool combos.

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The Undiscovered Lands
Parent, partner, and full time pro DM who runs an online afterschool D&D program for kids.
4 followers25 following15 posts