Urban Futurist Democrat
The future is urban. It's here, if we want it. 💜🩷💙 East Bay, CA
385 followers228 following4k posts

One of my favorites

Wondermark comic by David Malki! from old woodcuts.
Panel event.
Moderator: …All right, now we'll do some Q+A. Anyone have a question for Herr Doktor?
Commenter: Not a question, more of a comment… Your discussion about apples reminded me of the time I attended a cider-bathing camp in—
Doktor (off): WAIT wait wait wait wait wait HOLD up

Doktor: This is time during which there are to be questions and those questions are to be answered. If you wish to make a statement, then I, ze other party in this exchange, must provide ze question! These are ze rule!

Doktor: Here is my question for you! You heard Alegg announce "Now is ze time for questions" and interpreted that to mean "This is my chance to waste everyone's time by sharing my irrelevant opinion! What is wrong with you that you made that decision and then acted on it?

Commenter: Now, I don't think you're being fair to the spirit of—
Doktor (off, huge letters): ANSWER ZE QUESTION

Urban Futurist Democrat
The future is urban. It's here, if we want it. 💜🩷💙 East Bay, CA
385 followers228 following4k posts