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I write, I read, I listen to metal/Band Maid. 1 micro story per day. These are written to a 500 character limit for Mastodon, so I’m posting a screen capture with full text in alt.
22 followers81 following403 posts

Microfiction - Generic

"Cower in fear, Grandpa Anarchy, for I have returned to wreak havok!"
Grandpa Anarchy frowned.  "Who's this guy again?"
"Dastardly Doug," his sidekick replied.  "You fought just last week."
"Never heard of him."
"I am the greatest evil you have ever...."
"He's a very generic villain," said the sidekick.
"So a one-time mook that nobody remembers."
"You've fought him 54 times in four years."
"Generic mook, got it." Grandpa raised his fists.  "From the top, whoever you are!"

Microfiction - Reacher’s Gold

A two-masted ship lay anchored at harbor.  Burley sailors pulled a skiff onto the beach.
"Reacher's Isle!" exclaimed Captain Salido.  "Here we'll find Black Reacher's gold!"
They made their way through dense jungle, until they found a bamboo kiosk.  A bearded man appeared.  "Welcome to Black Reacher's Brew!" he exclaimed.  "What'll ye have, Boys?"
As Captain Salido stared in confusion, his first mate said, "As I recall, above gold and jewels, Reacher valued a good cup of coffee."

Microfiction -The Wise Hermit

Edvin scaled the mountain.  He reached the wise hermit.  He placed a pillow on the rocks and sat.
"Do you seek wisdom, Child?" the hermit asked.
"No," replied Edvin, "I figured, you're smart, you've got a good thing going.  So I'm joining you.  Free rent amIright?"
"The point of being a hermit is to isolate oneself...."
"Exactly!  No annoying people to deal with!  I'm here for it!"  He glanced at his phone.  "Hey, does Doordash deliver...?"
The hermit sighed.

Microfiction - Top Ten Hymn

On the temple steps, Ninsun faced the dawn and sang a hymn to her goddess.  As the notes faded, there came a flash of light.  Inanna stood before her.
Ninsun prostrated herself.   "I have heard your hymn, Priestess," said Inanna.  "It pleases me."
"I am honored, O Holy One."
"Can I get that in an MP3?  Preferably without dynamic range compression?"
Ninsun raised her head in confusion.  "I'm sorry?"
"Ugh," said the goddess.  "I forgot - it's still Bronze Age here, isn't it?"

Microfiction - Spooky Path

Ancient stone steps led up the hill and into the darkness and mist.
"Looks very spoooky," muttered Medea's raven.  "We we should come back in the daytime."
"The Mossdown henge only opens to otherwhere at midnight," Medea said.
"It's things from otherwhere that worry me," the raven replied.
"Fear not, my friend," said Lady Gygax.  "I will protect you."
The bird regarded the lich.  "A skeleton saying, 'Don't worry about ghosts', is not reassuring.  No offense."

Microfiction - Rat Temple

Rat people in black robes burned incense before a statue.  The party watched from a hidden alcove.
"Pity the poor ratfolk," said Sven.  "All they wish is to be left in peace to worship their god...."
"Do they not sacrifice humans here?" asked Klaus.
"Well - yes.  I was just thinking from their point of view."
"Spare me," said Anika.  "They worship Grokiss of the Hundred Eyes.  Every eye is a ruby.  This temple practically begs us to defile it!"

Microfiction - Frog Prince, Or…?

"If you kiss this frog," said the fairy goth mother, "he will turn into a prince."
The princess raised an eyebrow.
However," the fairy added, "if you kiss  this salamander, he will transform into the lead singer for goth rock band Deathmander."
The princess glanced at the salamander.  "Tall, dark, and handsome?" she asked.  "With long hair and black eyeliner?"
The fairy goth mother smiled.  "Absolutely!"

Microfiction - Seven Days in the Abyss

The great prophet Bertramus emerged from a cave into bright sunlight.  He exclaimed, "I have spent seven days in the abyss, and am returned to tell my tale!"
"It's just a hole in the ground," said Josef, his disciple.
"The sights I've seen!  Prophetic visions!  The horrors I've witnessed!"
"It's not even very deep..." said Josef.
"Listen," Bertramus said in a low voice.  "You need to work with me here.  How can I expect to write a best seller if you downplay my epic tale?"

Microfiction - Dragon Hoard

The dragon lay on a flat rock.  Green scales glittered in the sunlight.
"Were it not for your size and the lack of fur, one might think you a cat," said Sir Thomas.
"Cats are impressive creatures," the dragon replied.  "I do not mind the comparison."
"Never have I seen a dragon without a hoard of gold."
The dragon rolled onto its back.  "Who says I need gold?"
"Dragons famously hoard... if not gold, then something."
"Indeed," the dragon replied.  "I hoard sunlight."

Microfiction - Sky Writing

The armored knight stared up into the sky.  There, in white clouds, was written a message:  Princess Cecelia, please marry me!  Love, Princess Opal.
"I hope she responds favorably," the knight said.
The dragon beside him inclined its head.  "Reincarnated as a dragon with no gold sounded like a terrible existence," the dragon replied.  "But I enjoy sky writing, it's proving quite lucrative, and I adore helping people find love!"
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I write, I read, I listen to metal/Band Maid. 1 micro story per day. These are written to a 500 character limit for Mastodon, so I’m posting a screen capture with full text in alt.
22 followers81 following403 posts