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Poeta, professor, ávido leitor Extratos de textos de terceiros cortados e adaptados: postados por interesse, não necessariamente concordância. Temas: WarPreparation EnergyTransition ClimateCatastrophes LeftParty Caso deseje exclusão, só comentar
35 followers128 following810 posts

#WarPreparation "The new war is usefully deflecting attention from Israel’s failure to realise its professed goal of "eliminating Hamas" in Gaza, and its war crimes, "at the moment the ICC is preparing to approve an arrest warrant against Netanyahu Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity

The BBC is weaponising its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel's crimes
The BBC is weaponising its Lebanon reporting to help disguise Israel's crimes

The UK public is being subjected to an unprecedented campaign of media propaganda to conceal Israel’s true goals as it expands the slaughter


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Poeta, professor, ávido leitor Extratos de textos de terceiros cortados e adaptados: postados por interesse, não necessariamente concordância. Temas: WarPreparation EnergyTransition ClimateCatastrophes LeftParty Caso deseje exclusão, só comentar
35 followers128 following810 posts