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finally here, emigrated from the hellsite, hopefully for good | games, music, wrestling, feminism and intersectional socialism | they/them | ace nb trans woman
512 followers877 following2k posts
Reposted by Venomous

Bluesky has the mandate of heaven (I can search “garashir wii channel” and find this when I want to watch it again)

Reposted by Venomous

People underestimate how much money is sloshing around on the right. It doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as 20 years ago but right-wingnut welfare pipeline has a storied history setting up their people with cushy, overpaid think tank fellowships to crank out drivel for TV and print.


Have One On Me > The Milk-Eyed Mender > Ys > Divers you cannot change my mind on this (I still think Divers rules tbh)

Reposted by Venomous

Also a good lesson for anyone whining about whether mutual aid can realistically scale!

Reposted by Venomous

Worth noting that the only reason the US has any sort of free school breakfast is that we collectively freaked out when the Black Panthers began successfully implementing one outside of government infrastructure

Reposted by Venomous

Look into my eyes.

Gen Z kids will never know of 1991's 17 week long reign of terror brought about by Bryan Adams and the Robin Hood soundtrack.
Reposted by Venomous

transphobia is not a mental illness. bigotry is not a mental illness. stop conflating hate with disability.

Reposted by Venomous

Centrist elites turning into mid 2000s American creeping sharia and anti world brutal destruction enjoyers is very good and moderate

Reposted by Venomous

Labour Friends of Israel distributed leaflets at Labour conference about Iran is controlling Britain's mosques, as well as hosting open genocidaires. The great thing about this, as demonstrated by my mentions, is if you complain about the abject racism here, you get called an extremist. #sensible

Dear Jon Pearce MP,

We are writing to you from the Labour Muslim Network (LMN) in relation to your capacity as
Parliamentary chair of the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI).

At this year's Labour Party conference in Liverpool the LFI distributed a leaflet that included a
passage that has resulted in multiple complaints from Muslim delegates. The excerpt states
that the challenge of extremism in Britain is 'exacerbated by the manner in which Iran's
ideological centres' operate through 'a network of mosques, community centres and charities ..
promoting its violent and extremist ideology'.

We have included a copy of the leaflet for full clarification.

As you will know, the association of extremism and violence to mosques and places of worship
for Muslims is a common Islamophobic trope. The text in your leaflet which broadly paints
Muslim places of worship under foreign control and promoting violent and extremist
ideology is therefore clearly deeply offensive and potentially Islamophobic.
Reposted by Venomous

Watching some other millennials boomerfy in real time is so dark. The angry dislike of younger generations' fashion and humor and a worsening ability to tell real from false online are the two main symptoms

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finally here, emigrated from the hellsite, hopefully for good | games, music, wrestling, feminism and intersectional socialism | they/them | ace nb trans woman
512 followers877 following2k posts