Vietcong Army Fan
Enjoying watching US hegemony implode in real time.
417 followers364 following2.1k posts
Reposted by Vietcong Army Fan

This is the Lower Ed Tressie's book foresaw. It never was just about for-profit insts. It was about what happens to *all* insts when the profit motive became too dominant. Heck, just compare the high-pressure marketing tactics in her book to this article. Gift link.

Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.
Students Paid Thousands for a Caltech Boot Camp. Caltech Didn’t Teach It.

Hundreds of universities have lent their names to online programs, plugging budgets but alienating students who feel misled.


That genuinely feels like an insult tbh

Reposted by Vietcong Army Fan

the mad thing is, COVID showed us that those most prone to prepper-fantasy-land are the least equipped to handle living in a bunker. they couldn't stay indoors for two weeks without freaking out. the only ones who will make it are the ones who basically already live like this.


Louder definitely


Ads are, legitimately, a quality of life issue. They are a form of pollution that hits poor people hardest. Not being ironic.

Reposted by Vietcong Army Fan

People who don't follow energy/climate very closely sometimes assume mechanisms that have driven emissions reductions in Europe will continue indefinitely. So if we have cut emissions by half, we're on course to reach 0. Unfortunately, the UK may be at a point of inflection. 1/2

Reposted by Vietcong Army Fan

1. A fortnight ago, I wrote about the scandal of our Internal Drainage Boards, which are supposed to stop flooding, but are unaccountable, self-serving, feudal bodies that do more harm than good. Now a disturbing email has landed in my inbox. 🧵

More floods are coming to Britain, but you ought to know this: the system that should protect us is a scandal | George Monbiot
More floods are coming to Britain, but you ought to know this: the system that should protect us is a scandal | George Monbiot

A network of public bodies are supposed to safeguard us from flooding. But, like old boys’ clubs, they are bastions of self-interest, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot




It's other things too. Like, there's literally no landmarks in many new estates, very few trees older than 10 years, they feel _really_ weird, disgusting even, to live in.

Vietcong Army Fan
Enjoying watching US hegemony implode in real time.
417 followers364 following2.1k posts