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Vinci & Arty Again: Classic V&A Strips
Our little Bluesky account for Vinci & Arty, a vintage all ages queer furry Webcomic. Please keep all shinees & donuts locked securely in your overhead compartment
281 followers0 following159 posts

Spending all day in bed together? Sounds like an adventure.

Six panel strip, Vinci and Arty in bed.

V: *Yawn* So what's this all about?
A: You seemed down or something the past couple of days, so I had and idea. A stroke of pure genius, really.

(Closeup of book, titled "How to bond with your spouse by Clue BiFore")
V: That's your idea?
A: This idea will GIVE me an idea, my dear!

V: I'm not following.
A: *ahem* Chapter Two. "Suggestions for stoking the love fire. Number One: Spend a romantic day in bed together."  See? We can try that one.
V: Oh!  All right.

V: So!
A: So! 

V: Well...
A: We-elll....

V: .. What are we supposed to do in bed -ALL DAY-?
A: Not a clue.

Sorry for the strip post delay, things are weird.

Three panel strip of Vinci and Arty, in bed. Vinci is sleeping when Arty wakes him up.

A: Vinch! Vinch!  C'mon! Get up! Hurry! Upupup! I gotta tell you something important!!
V: uh?

V: is everything okay? What's going on? What's important?
A: listen, I had to tell you this... stay in bed, okay?
V: And?
A: That's it.  Stay in bed. That's what I had to say.

V: You just woke me up to tell me THAT?
A: Hey, its not like you were doing anything important, right?

Arty asks the questions we all want to know, but didn't know we wanted to know.

Three panel strip with Arkie, Arty and Spuk.

Arty: Hey Spuk, we were just wondering, do you even have a mouth?

(Spuk opens her mouth horrifyingly so, a giant maw of teeth and death)
Arty&Arkie: Auuuuuuuuuuuuugh!!

*sfx* of Arty/Arkie zooming off panel left.
Spuk: Hey, you asked. I answered.
Arty: Jesus CHRIST!
Arkie:  She scared my belly!

Back to work... What's This?

Six panel strip, Arkie, Spuk, Arty,  and a letter on a monitor?

Arkie: Yay! Everything's better again! we get to work today!
Arty&Spuk: Shut Up Arkie.

Spuk: Back to the ol'grind 'eh Bitterboy?
Arty: Same old crap, different day.

(Computer monitor has an envelope on it)
Arty: (off panel) Nothing ever  change... What the hell is that?  Oh god, is that a pink slip?

<Formal Letter> 
Dolphin Technologies
Dear Artisan Sunspot,
In extreme gratitude of your assistance and willingness to go the extra mile for a fellow employee please accept my gift o you of two(2) airline vouchers good for any round trip tickets on JetJewel Airways, one $500 bonus, and a limited edition collector's pin.  Thank you for making our company great!

Nyxette Dolphin
CEO, Dolphin Technologies.

(end letter)

Arty is POOFED in the next panel, in shock.

Arty falls on his back comically.

An adorable cuddling in bed strip... And More.

Four panel Vinci and Arty strip of them cuddling in bed.

V: Artisanaki? I've been thinking. You're right. I shouldn't let fear prevent me from getting the chance to do something like this.  I'm going to accept the offer.

A: Great! I'm so proud of you!
V: Yeah, well...

V: Don't be proud of a dunce like me.
A: Don't you tell me not to be proud! I'll always, always be there for you, honey, no matter what. You're going to be great.

A: Besides. Mr Interior Decorator, you really look the part.
V: Huh??
A: *COUGH* Erm! I said... Uh, I love you with all my heart?

This is a very key strip. Vinci is Gender Blind. He knows academically what "male" and "female" are, but doesn't "see" someone as either until their gender is pointed out.

Five panel strip of Vinci and Arty having a heart to heart.

A: Richard, I'm going to tell you something that might come as a shock to you. 

A: Honey, Sunshine, you're gay. I know you're not as comfy with it as I Am, but trust me, you've gotta just go with it and love yourself for who you are.  It's always been my beief that there's nothing else you can do.

V: But Arty, I'm NOT! I.. I.. The genders. I know they're thre but I don't see them... I mean, I am seeing them but..  OH! I can't SAY it in English! It's in my head perfectly and I can't SAY it!
A: Calm down! It's all right.  So you're bisexual? No Biggie.  Half an apple's still an apple, dumplin.
V: No no no. I am no apple dumpling! You don't understand, I don't WANT to be anything. I'm just... I've always been like this. I love people, not their genders. I'm just... Usually I'm not attracted to anyone physically at all.  It rarely does anything for me.

The expressions tell the story nearly as much as the words do.

Six panel strip, just Vinci and Arty.

V: And she said her name was Mrs. De Leche but for me to just call her Dulcy. I showed her the website with my portfolio over coffee at the Net Cafe, and that was that!  It all seemed so odd. I mean, I know I have the degree, but I don't really think I know much about design at all.

A: Honey, you do! You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. And it seems like it was a pretty out of the ordinary interview, but hey. This could be a WONDEERFUL opportunity.  You said the pay's great, right?
V: Right.
A: And you're interested right? I mean, it's an art career.  You love art.
V: Well, Yeah.

A: So what's the damn problem? Is there a good reason not to take this job?
V: Well, you see, it is interior design...
A: So? You went to SCHOOL for design! What's the problem?

V: Oh, but Arty...  People are going to think I'm GAY!

A:(Open mouthed in shock) ... ... ...

A: That is the STUPIDEST thing I've EVER heard you say.

Vinci and Arty get back together at home, both have had a wild day it seems...

Five panel strip, Arty and Vinci only, both back at home.

V: (off panel) Hey. You all right? You're never in bed this early.
A: I had one of THOSE days. Where'd you go?

V:Oh... out, the mall.
A:(off panel) What's wrong sunshine?
V: I don't want to bother you. You had a bad day.

A: It'll get worse if you don't tell me.
V: Well, ok.. I was at the mall. And I kind of got a job offer. I just don't know how I feel about it yet.
A: Oooh, so THATS it?

A: Well, a job's a job honey, and every little bit helps.  So what if it's at the mall? I bet you get to wear a cute little uniform! You could always bring it home and we can---   Ohh, come on! What are you frowning at?

V: It's an intermediate position at an interior design company.
A: (poofy)  What? WHAT?!?!

Vinci is shopping, running an errand while Arty is off at work... (due to dialogue size, second half of alt-text will be in the first reply)

Six panel Strip, first two thought balloons of Vinci are bracketed, indicating that Vinci is thinking in Greek.  The woman's name is Dulcy DeLeche.

V: (thinking) Arty would love this donut clock. It IS on sale, but that'd be the last of the commission money from the last painting. He might get upset if I spend that.

V: (thinking) If only I could do something other than paint.  This whole artist gig isn't what I thought it'd be.
Dulcy: Excuse me, could I get your help with something?
V: Oh? Certainly. 

D: My husband owns an interior design company. So I usually just have him help me with this sort of thing. But he's on a business trip.  Tell me which do you think would look better with a navy couch, if the rest of the room is white and blue. The checkered blue or this red?

 (alt text continued in reply)

Meet Nyxette... We'll find out more a-bat her later. (A-bat? About? Hah! Dad Jokes)

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Vinci & Arty Again: Classic V&A Strips
Our little Bluesky account for Vinci & Arty, a vintage all ages queer furry Webcomic. Please keep all shinees & donuts locked securely in your overhead compartment
281 followers0 following159 posts