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Cornelius Hirsch
Data, politics, and what happens in between. Head of Research Products at Reset Tech—Internet for democracy | Former Director of Research and Analysis at POLITICO | PhD in Economics from WU Vienna | Co-founder
657 followers336 following186 posts
Reposted by Cornelius Hirsch

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, a political opponent of President Vladimir Putin, showed signs of poisoning before his death in prison earlier this year, Russian news portal The Insider reported today, citing leaked official documents.

Navalny may have been killed by poisoning, documents suggest: Report
Navalny may have been killed by poisoning, documents suggest: Report

Russian politician showed signs of poisoning before dying suddenly in prison in February, according to documents obtained by The Insider.


The first chart shows voting patterns by formal education level. Shows, as always, a strong negative correlation with votes for the far-right. 2nd chart: Age cross-referenced with gender does also reveal a clear pattern. Middle-aged men had the highest FPÖ vote share.

Reposted by Cornelius Hirsch

Much to look forward to in today’s Austrian election 🇦🇹: 1) Who comes first: FPÖ or ÖVP? 2) How bad will SPÖ do? 3) Will Greens really score ~10%? 3) Will KPÖ and/or Beer Party make threshold? #NRWahl24#Wahl2024

Reposted by Cornelius Hirsch

Merkt ihr eigentlich, was gerade passiert? Sagt nicht, ihr wurdet nicht gewarnt. #Erderwärmung#Extremregen. Es wird immer schlimmer, bis wir klimaneutral sind. Aber nicht wieder besser: denn das CO2 bleibt.


Election Day is here in Austria. The polling trends suggest a close race with far-right FPÖ and conservative ÖVP are statistically tied. The latter has gained momentum in the final polls. First election results projections are scheduled for 5 pm. Chart below from

Reposted by Cornelius Hirsch

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are neck and neck in Michigan and Wisconsin less than 40 days before Election Day, according to new polling from The New York Times and Siena College.

Harris and Trump Are Neck and Neck in Michigan and Wisconsin, Polls Find
Harris and Trump Are Neck and Neck in Michigan and Wisconsin, Polls Find

The race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has tightened in two of the Northern battlegrounds, New York Times/Siena College polls found.

Reposted by Cornelius Hirsch

What happens when radical right-wing populist parties are in government? In our op-ed, we summarize some key polisky findings: normalization, curtailed civil liberties, weaker economic performance, greater inequality, and an overall threat to democracy itself


Just to clarify, for anyone wondering about the ideology of Austria's Freedom Party (FPÖ): FPÖ candidates attended a funeral where an SS song was sung. This happened just two days before the national elections, with key FPÖ politicians like Harald Stefan, Norbert Nemeth, and Martin Graf present.

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Cornelius Hirsch
Data, politics, and what happens in between. Head of Research Products at Reset Tech—Internet for democracy | Former Director of Research and Analysis at POLITICO | PhD in Economics from WU Vienna | Co-founder
657 followers336 following186 posts