Wagatwe Wan-spooky 👻
antirape activist turned theorist and educator. I make and analyze media. proud bunny mama. she/hers 🇰🇪🇧🇸
12.4k followers840 following14.1k posts

yooooo he broke so many laws, both domestic and international. imagine if disease spread 😱

According to court documents, Schubarth conspired with at least five other individuals between 2013 and 2021 to create a larger hybrid species of sheep that would garner higher prices from shooting preserves. Schubarth brought parts of the largest sheep in the world, Marco Polo argali sheep (Ovis ammon polii), from Kyrgyzstan into the United States without declaring the importation. Average males can weigh more than 300 pounds, with horns that span more than five feet. Marco Polo argali are native to the high elevations of the Pamir region of Central Asia. They are protected internationally by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and domestically by the Endangered Species Act, and are prohibited in the State of Montana to protect native sheep from disease and hybridization.
Court documents explain that Schubarth worked
with the other unnamed coconspirators to use
MMK's semen to artificially impregnate various
other species of ewes -- all of which were
prohibited in Montana - and create hybrid animals.
Their goal was to create a larger and more valuable
species of sheep to sell to captive hunting facilities,
primarily in Texas.
To move the prohibited sheep into and out of
Montana, Schubarth and others forged veterinary
inspection certificates, falsely claiming that the
sheep were legally permitted species. On occasion,
Schubarth sold MMK semen directly to sheep
breeders in other states. According to court
documents, disease introduction was a risk
associated with Schubarth's conduct and at least
two sheep from the scheme died from Johne's
disease. Johne's disease is a contagious, chronic
wasting disease easily spread between animals
directly or through environmental contamination.
Court documents also describe how Schubarth
illegally obtained genetic material from wild-
hunted Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep in Montana
Schubarth purchased parts of these wild-hunted
sheep in violation of Montana law, which prohibits
the sale of game animal parts within the state and
prohibits the use of Montana game animals on
alternative livestock ranches. Schubarth
transported and sold the bighorn parts in interstate
"Schubarth not only violated federal and state law
and international treaties, but he and others
illegally conspired to conceal their actions from
authorities," said Assistant Attorney General Todd
Kim of the Justice Department's Environment and
Vatural Resources Division. "Violations of the Lacey
Act, CITES and other laws can be devastating for
our domestic populations of wild animals, which is
why we are unwavering in our commitment to
enforce them."

unfortunately legal: “captive hunting facilities” there is just SO MUCH AWFUL going on here 😫




I'm no sheep expert, but illegally inseminating ewes - like, the legal stuff AFAIK is bad enough, so illegal? I don't want to know... The concept of sheep with 1.5 meter horns - holy hell that's gotta hurt due to weight, and rams fighting with those? That could be part of the illegality perhaps?


I'm more concerned with the xenospecies becoming an invasive one. That said, the accused and sentenced should not "have to work the rest of my life to repair everything I’ve done." The damage is well contained by now considering the scale he worked at.


Omg this could have gone so wrong with invasive germs/species

Wagatwe Wan-spooky 👻
antirape activist turned theorist and educator. I make and analyze media. proud bunny mama. she/hers 🇰🇪🇧🇸
12.4k followers840 following14.1k posts