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Amanda Wallwin (Taylor’s Version)
Recovering state legislative staffer, fighter for justice, mom, school board member, abortion advocate, bisexual, train autistic, Jeopardy champ. All these things are not without their meanings. 🐋 she/her 🏡 in Hudson Valley, ❤️ in Chicago signal: manda.
362 followers808 following847 posts

Tonight, the state of Missouri murdered Marcellus Williams. This is a poem he wrote. Thank you to everyone who acted to stop this horrific act of injustice.

At last…Another’s heartbeat 
by Marcellus Williams

the silhouettes of their bond visible still at the last glow of the sun
they experience each other and the life of the night as it begins to stir 
no rush to go back inside 
there is so much beauty and comfort in being in love and just being..
-amidst sounds of buzzing
the pleasant but irregular blowing of the wind
fireflies dancing in step with the light of the moon
how strange it is to become aware of another’s heartbeat but forget one’s own -
finally love

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Amanda Wallwin (Taylor’s Version)
Recovering state legislative staffer, fighter for justice, mom, school board member, abortion advocate, bisexual, train autistic, Jeopardy champ. All these things are not without their meanings. 🐋 she/her 🏡 in Hudson Valley, ❤️ in Chicago signal: manda.
362 followers808 following847 posts