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Materialist Gnostic
Programmer. Trying to enjoy arguing on the Internet less. He/Him. Sometimes post pictures of food or thoughts on books I read.
392 followers659 following4.5k posts

it's also true that, while "TFA and TLJ are trying to tell fundamentally different stories" was an avoidable problem, it was baked in by the time they started shooting TROS. you can probably make a *better* third movie after those two, but it'd be a real feat to make a *good* third movie.


I think it's definitely possible, but... like... that's not something you hire J. J. Abrams to do. Heck, that's not something you hire three directors who aren't talking to one another to do! That's something you have a plan for, at least in broad strokes, before you start rolling on the first film!

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Materialist Gnostic
Programmer. Trying to enjoy arguing on the Internet less. He/Him. Sometimes post pictures of food or thoughts on books I read.
392 followers659 following4.5k posts