Warren Terra
Warren Terra is a pseudonym. @warren__terra on Twitter (inactive) @warren__terra at Apparently bluesky doesn't like underscores?
1.2k followers154 following15.8k posts

I applied extremely sophisticated mathematical modeling* and so I'm confident he will soon be ready to put people on Mars in two years' time, forever. *I looked at some points and eyeballed a curve

A plot of the predictions Musk has made for how long before he lands people on Mars (as the Y-axis value) versus the year in which he made the prediction.

If you take these points and add a curved line that mostly fits them, the predicted time of Mars landing asymptotically approaches two years in the future - much like his incessant promises that some product is coming out next year; best example is the Roadster, a solid decade of such promises, to people who paid full price to buy one when they were first announced.

There’s a Zeno’s Paradox joke to be made, and I’m too tired to make it.

Warren Terra
Warren Terra is a pseudonym. @warren__terra on Twitter (inactive) @warren__terra at Apparently bluesky doesn't like underscores?
1.2k followers154 following15.8k posts