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Jane Ball (bæddel bean sidhe era)
she/her🏳️‍⚧️ -Leveler - Reconstructionist -bǣddel - Fair Housing Siren hell is empty because i'm here
1.4k followers941 following21k posts

oh lord this turkey is so fucking cooked

My worry with separating the transsexual story from the transgender one is that it is another rigid binary into which one's truth can fall partially.
I've never gotten surgery and don't feel bottom dysphoria. I find hormones affirming and desirable, but they're in service to my need for gender-liberty; the ability to be read and treated by the world as a queer woman.
A culture which centers medical steps doesn't speak to me when my physiological needs are subordinate to my social ones.
To claim that the transsexual is defined as the class who needs medical support while transgender people (back then, we would have been the "transvestite") just want to be left alone is false, and this harmful premise was used to deny us care and not take us seriously.
We may seek medical care too, but our social motive for wanting it isn't any less valid than the physiological need that drives transsexuals to seek surgeries.
Going on HRT doesn't make my journey yours.

She refers to Julia Serano’s conversation about avoiding “reverse discourse” while she sets a rigid binary: essentialist v. constructionist She’s one rhetorical step away from saying, “we’re all XY chromosomes which means we’re never female.” Her discourse is similar to the writers of ‘Tranvestia’


She's been fascinating to watch


jfc it's not transgenders vs transsexuals i'm a motherfuckin transgender transsexual


if you're on hormones you ARE a transsexual I'm gonna


she basically takes "trans people who want surgery were treated better by cis doctors", which is true, and blames it on those trans people, instead of on the fucking doctors


"i've even seen parts of the transsexual community" bitch no you didn't, you can't just say words and make them be true. there are a lot of transsexuals without bottom dysphoria and that's okay! you are creating the boundaries creating binaries

In its worst forms, this dichotomy led to situations in which "transvestites" such as myself - who did not present with bottom dysphoria or an attraction to men - had to misrepresent ourselves to the medical establishment to receive the care we needed.
I've even seen parts of the transsexual community say that "people without dysphoria are using up care that should be going to us just because they want it" and I consider this kind of transmed thought a form of lesbophobia; the idea that medical transition is only valid if you need it to achieve normative heterosexual intimacy.
I realize trans people are broadly a marginalized class, but the elevation of a true transsexual experience subordinates those who don't fit its norm: non-op lesbians.
This idea of “transsexuals” (or post-op binary trans men or women) being superior— that definitely seems to explain what’s at the core of transmedicalism. I have had three transition related surgeries, including bottom surgery, so that’s part of what I felt I should do. And I am glad I took those steps. That said, two trans women, whom I admire greatly, have not had bottom surgery. And I would never look down my nose at them or consider myself somehow more valid as a woman.

Why the fuck do they need to make this so complicated? You don’t want surgery? Great! Step the fuck aside and let folks who want to do so. The biology component has nothing to do with orientation or identity. This just reads as desperation to continue drawing the lines.

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Jane Ball (bæddel bean sidhe era)
she/her🏳️‍⚧️ -Leveler - Reconstructionist -bǣddel - Fair Housing Siren hell is empty because i'm here
1.4k followers941 following21k posts