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Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast
The Wellington Skellington. He/him/ia. Ngāpuhi/Ngāti Kahu/Pākehā. Wyrd Leftism, sad music, bookish cocktails.
293 followers370 following998 posts
Reposted by Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast

It's not *quite* as good, but it's a perfectly serviceable substitute for my beloved, discontinued Fruju Tropical Snow

A hand holding a Paddle Pop Twister Monstaahh
A hand holding a Paddle Pop Twister Monstaahh

It's not *quite* as good, but it's a perfectly serviceable substitute for my beloved, discontinued Fruju Tropical Snow

A hand holding a Paddle Pop Twister Monstaahh
A hand holding a Paddle Pop Twister Monstaahh
Reposted by Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast

Here is Julian K. Jarboe if you are in need of a Christian trans perspective, from Rosalind's Siblings (edited by me, not a Christian, but I loved this poem). In case you need this tonight. Thank you for bringing it up.

The Android That Designed Itself
by Julian K. Jarboe

I. Sermon for My Fabricated Body:
Why does God create grapes and wheat, but not wine and bread? God does this because God wants us to share in the act of creation. To be how you made me, to become how God made me, through you, I can remake myself. You and I: we are already only whole, and shifting towards the divine.
II. Manifesto for My Fabricated Body:
Make me two feet tall with fourteen arms, no legs, and a prehensile tail. Make me large and soft and rolling: a photovoltaic mucus that envelopes all it touches. Make me edible but make me poisonous. Give me one of every face that has ever been called ugly. Give me one of every skin that has ever been called excessive. Give me a way of moving that no space can admit or accommodate, and then (image cuts off here)
Reposted by Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast

my contribution to the discourse

RHETORIC [Heroic: Failure] – Alright, here we go. We're devoting all your available brain cells to coming up with a question about communism. Scratch that, to come up with *the* question about communism, the alpha and omega of communism questions, and that question is: 

1: (whisper) "Are trans women bourgeoise?"
2: Oh god, that's bad. Surely I can think of something better.
Reposted by Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast

Lately I read June Jordan to remind myself that it is possible for someone to love us with no caveats & no excuses


What is it about terf brainworms that turns previously talented writers into dying-wizard-ass smug monologists? The bigotry is bad enough, and your rambling declamation of perceived moral superiority is not convincing anyone not already brain-poisoned.


It probably would have been just as effective to write "This bill sucks, do not pass it." Or to copy/paste one of the half-dozen useless form subs floating around social media. But I guess at least this way I have the moral high ground. I also have a headache.


It's a bit disheartening to know that this sub will have as little impact as the most effort-free form sub, but it's clear the committee has no interest in actually improving the bill.


Gotta say, I didn't really want to spend one of my rare free Sundays in the same place as my partner writing a submission on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, but needs must.

Reposted by Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast

Henry Thomas de la Beche, 1796-1855: "Dr M in extassies [sic] at the approach of his pet Saurian." Refers to Dr Gideon Mantell's discovery of an iguanodon skeleton in a Maidstone quarry in 1834.

On the left, a man representing Dr Gideon Mantell, crowned with a laurel wreath, raising his hands in delight as a smiling iguanodon approaches him. The iguanodon is behaving like a pet dog.
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Dave Agnew, Wizard Enthusiast
The Wellington Skellington. He/him/ia. Ngāpuhi/Ngāti Kahu/Pākehā. Wyrd Leftism, sad music, bookish cocktails.
293 followers370 following998 posts