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Adult Human Chicken formerly FattyAtomicMutant and WereChickenAU Discord: werechikkin She/her They/Them It/Its trans butch 40 HRT 2015 Post-Op 2022 🔞NSFW DMs open!
1.3k followers2.4k following23k posts

Oh oh like Lipomancy, I’ll just teleport all my fat to you. Or what’s the other thing, portal collars? Whatever I eat goes into you? Surrogate stuffing.


Lipomancy requires you to get the fat in the first place... Which, ya know, could be hot too... But nah, the portal collar would just make me get everything but the taste, I want you to even be able to enjoy being full, and then all the excess your body collects is just given to me instead :D

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Adult Human Chicken formerly FattyAtomicMutant and WereChickenAU Discord: werechikkin She/her They/Them It/Its trans butch 40 HRT 2015 Post-Op 2022 🔞NSFW DMs open!
1.3k followers2.4k following23k posts